Phase 4 of Wrath of the Lich King Classic is finally here, with the update going live on October 10 The Icecrown Citadel raid goes live on October 12, unlocking the final chapter in WotLK Classic with the fight against The Lich King. As anyone who is familiar with World of Warcraft Classic will know, not all classes are created equally. Balancing was a very different task back then, which means some classes certainly are better than others. Here are the best classes and a class tier list specifically for WotLK Classic and the Icecrown Citadel (ICC) raid.
Best Classes in Wrath of the Lich King Classic ICC raid
Protection Paladin — It’s hard not to call Protection Paladin the best tank class in WotLK Classic, especially for the ICC raid. They’ve essentially dominated the role for all of Wrath Classic, and it’s no different in phase 4. The spec’s unique toolkit can handle every boss in the raid, while ringing insanely high amounts of utility to the raid. The Divine Guardian talent reduces incoming damage for the entire raid, while also making the Paladin extra takny for the duration. Also, as has been the case the entire expansion, Divine Shield (bubble) can be used to completely negate debuffs that would otherwise require a tank swap. Lastly, Protection paladins output the most damage of all the tanks, which is just another reason they are best.
Melee DPS
Feral Druid — No that’s not a typo. The kitty finally has its chance to shine. With a plethora of Armor Penetration to be found in Phase 4, the class has insane damage output. A weird synergy between Faerie Fire and the Glyph of Omen of Clarity always grants the Omen of Clarity effect. Also, the 4-piece set bonus for Tier 10 allows Rake ticks to deal critical strikes. If played correctly, a Feral Druid is unmatched when it comes to Single Target DPS in ICC.
Ranged DPS
Fire Mage — The Fire Mage has really good itemization in Phase 4 due to the T10 set bonuses. In particular, the 2-piece set bonus grants 12% Spell Haste every time you proc Hot Streak and use Pyroblast. As long as you keep proccing it, you can have a permanent haste buff. The 4-piece set bonus gives you a huge damage buff when you cast Mirror Image. As it stands, Fire Mage damage is right up there with Feral Druid.
Affliction Warlock — The Affliction Warlock is also a top-tier DPS class for ICC. They aren’t quite the overpowered juggernaut they have been the rest of the expansion, but they still have high damage output. The class has a powerful 4-piece set bonus from their T10, which increases damage based on Unstable Afflictions DPS ticks.
Holy Paladin — Primarily, Holy Paladin is the best tank healer in Wrath of the Lich King Classic. Bosses hit hard in Icecrown Citadel, making Beacon of Light super effective. Aura Mastery and Divine Guardian are still incredibly powerful utility cooldowns that will help trivialize a lot of encounters. In summary, they provide some of the best heal throughput while also utilizing strong externals to help get through specific encounters. You may want to bring several.
WotLK Classic Icecrown Citadel Class Tier List
S Tier: Protection Paladin
A Tier: Feral Druid, Blood Death Knight
B Tier: Protection Warrior
Melee DPS
S Tier: Feral Druid, Fury Warrior
A Tier: Retribution Paladin, Combat Rogue, Unholy Death Knight
B Tier: Survival Hunter, Frost Death Knight
C Tier: Arms Warrior, Enhancement Shaman, Blood Death Knight,
Ranged DPS
S Tier: Fire Mage, Affliction Warlock
A Tier: Demonology Warlock, Balance Druid, Marksmanship Hunter
B Tier: Shadow Priest, Elemental Shaman, Destruction Warlock
C Tier: Arcane Mage, Beast Mastery Hunter
S Tier: Holy Paladin
A Tier: Discipline Priest, Restoration Shaman
B Tier: Holy Priest, Restoration Druid
Now that you know the best classes for Icecrown Citadel in WotLK Classic, you should have no problems clearing the raid!
Published: Oct 11, 2023 5:06 PM UTC