In the pre-war days, dogs were known as man’s best friend. With the exception of Dogmeat, that’s no longer the case. In Fallout 76, the dogs, mongrels, and wolves of Appalachia are some of the most nimble enemies that you’ll encounter. While you may hesitate to unleash your arsenal of weapons on these canines, they won’t wait for you to make your decision.

Whether you’re looking to complete your Daily or Weekly Seasonal Challenges or have a bone to pick with those barking dogs next to your C.A.M.P., this guide will show you where you can find canines in the Appalachian wasteland.
All canine locations in Fallout 76
Since the Seasonal Challenges don’t specify what type of canine needs to be killed for completion, we’ve combined all three canine types into one table.
Number on Map | Spawn Location | Spawn Details |
1 | Tyler County Fairgrounds | Numerous wolves during the Leader of the Pack event |
2 | The Whitespring Golf Club | Many packs of mongrels on the northern end of the location |
3a, 3b, 3c | Blood Eagle camps | Blood Eagle camps tend to house a few loyal dogs |
Patrolling throughout Appalachia | Blood Eagle patrols | Blood Eagle raiders patrols frequently have a pack of dogs with them |
4 | The road between Overseer’s Camp and Flatwoods | A couple packs of mongrels patrol this road |
5a, 5b, 5c | Free Range event (Big Fred’s BBQ Shack, Groves Family Cabin, Southern Belle Motel) | The event contains various enemies along with mongrels and wolves |

The best location is the Tyler County Fairgrounds whenever the “Leader of the Pack” event occurs. This event spawns the largest amount of canines (wolves) in the entire game and is the fastest way to complete a Weekly Seasonal Challenge.
The northern end of the White Spring Golf Club is teeming with vicious mongrels that have had to settle for chewing golf balls for hundreds of years. Make sure to hop between different worlds after you’ve cleared all of the canines in an area to speed up your farming.

Thankfully canines don’t inflict status conditions like the insects of Fallout 76 do. But since they always travel in packs, you could use balls (grenades) and frisbees (mines) to shake them off your tail.
Published: Jun 2, 2024 4:00 PM UTC