The New Game Plus mode for Alan Wake 2 doesn’t just let you replay with your gear and upgrades. Final Draft includes new additions, such as more manuscript pages for Saga. There are also more videos to discover in Alan Wake 2 – Final Draft, and here’s how to find them all.
Luckily, the search for all the new Final Draft videos in Alan Wake 2 won’t leave you with eye strain. There are only a handful to discover, and they’re rather difficult to miss. But Alan Wake 2 is also roughly 20 hours long. Why take the chance when you can follow this handy guide?
Keep note that the video clips are collectibles only Alan can find while in The Dark Place. To check your collection or watch them again later, you can check your list in the Writer’s Room under the ‘Television’ section.
Spiral – Initiation 1: Late Night
The first of the Final Draft videos can be found in Alan’s first chapter of Alan Wake 2, Initiation 1: Late Night. Do you recall the TV that flickered and dies when walking into the dressing room of the studio during your first run? Now, a video called ‘Spiral’ plays. The clip reiterates some of the revelations brought by the original ending of the game. It’s something that becomes a theme of Final Draft.

Signals – Initiation 5: Room 665
The next video won’t show up until much deeper into Alan’s campaign. After you enter the Oceanview Hotel, keep progressing until you make it to the second story. Seek out Room 205 near the Ballroom and say hello to… Dr. Casper Darling! Yes, the former Head of Research at the Federal Bureau of Control, from Remedy’s prior game, Control, has returned. He’s pierced the veil between Alan Wake 2 and Control, showing up in a video called ‘Signals’ in search of, well, a signal. Don’t worry; this isn’t the last we see of Dr. Darling.

Collaboration – Initiation 8: Zane’s Film
A few chapters later, Alan finds himself once more at the Oceanview Hotel during Initiation 8: Zane’s Film. But before you leave and head to the Poet’s Cinema, go to the hotel lobby and enter the Reception booth. Dr. Darling is back, and this time he isn’t alone. Watch his latest video, ‘Collaboration’, before returning to the mission proper.
If you want to rewatch both Dr. Darling videos, you can find them in the Television section of the Writer’s Room under ‘Dr. Darling’s Messages’.

Where is the third Dr. Darling video in Alan Wake 2 – Final Draft?
The third Dr. Darling video is apparently not available in Final Draft. Instead, it’s currently believed that it’ll be a part of the upcoming Alan Wake 2 DLC. The videos themselves do seem to hint that Dr. Darling will be heavily involved in the game’s plot later on. But at the moment, only two of the three videos have been discovered.
With the second Dr. Darling video, we’ve pretty much wrapped up all the new clips that can be found in Alan Wake 2 – Final Draft.
Published: Jan 4, 2024 11:07 am