It’s that time of year again
Hello folks, and welcome to the weekend. Not just any old weekend, but E3 2021 weekend! Yes, in this all-nu media world in which we’re living, E3 now kicks off on Saturday and Sunday, whether anybody has anything to show or otherwise. It’s going to be a bit of an endurance test for us all, but hopefully, it will all be worth it. Nintendo, Sony, Microsoft (& its new BFF Bethesda), Capcom, Bandai Namco, and others will take to their respective live streams to showcase their coming wares… or at least some of them… as a surprising amount of big releases are no-showing this particular E3.
We at Destructoid will be here to bring you all of the hot scoops, as well as the lukewarm ones. You’ll be able to watch some of the streams live right here on the front page, and we’ll do our best to make sure all of the top headlines are covered as the week progresses. Of course, we’re all dealing with a brand new site layout and editor, so bear with us, buddies. It’ll also be way past my bedtime — on a weekend — for a lot of these streams, so if I get confused, tearful, or rambly, (more so), that’s my excuse and ah’m sticking to it. I hope you all have a great E3 and see lots of fun new games.
But before all of that, it’s Saturday morning, and you have a date with the comments. Jump in and let us know what games you’ve been playing this past week, or perhaps have lined up for the weekend. We always enjoy reading your comments and seeing the great camaraderie between all y’all. Speaking of which, last week’s entry still did over 200 comments, despite the site changeover and the issues with the Disqus login, so thanks ever so much for showing out. It means a lot.
Have a wonderful weekend, from all of us at Destructoid.
Published: Jun 12, 2021 10:00 AM UTC