With every Sunday reset in Warframe, we see a new batch of Nightwave challenges. This week, and subsequent weeks where it’s present, you are tasked to kill a Tusk Thumper. To clear any confusion, here’s where to find a Tusk Thumper, along with how to defeat it, in Warframe.
Tusk Thumper locations in Warframe
These special enemies can only be encountered in the daytime while out in Earth’s Plains of Eidolon. They’re like field bosses that yield a bunch of materials specific to this area. There is a trick to summon them if you’re having trouble, though.
If you accept a bounty from Konzu and go through the various levels of it, this increases the chances of a Tusk Thumper spawning. It does not matter what tier or level the bounty is. However, if you do choose a Tier 4, 5, or Steel Path bounty, the Doma variant of the Thumper will spawn.
Clear each bounty stage and take your time between each location. A Thumper may spawn in between so you can divert your attention towards it instead of facing it alongside your bounty and failing the mission.
The Doma is just a stronger version of the normal version and still counts toward this Nightwave Act. The same counts for the Narmer variants, too. In some weeks, there will be an Elite Weekly Act that requires you to defeat the Doma. Because of that, just use the same strategy from above, but avoid Narmer bounties.

Nightwave challenge: Kill a Tusk Thumper
When taking on the enemy, it’s best to use hitscan weapons with a tight weapon spread. Assault rifles, pistols, accurate shotguns, or anything that doesn’t have AoE will work wonders on it. This isn’t the type of enemy where you can throw things at it and call it a day.
You have to hit the enemy’s knees to destroy the armor plates. Once the plates are off and the weak spots are exposed, just deal damage to them until that limb is destroyed. You’ll know the limb is destroyed when there’s a scorched effect over it. Repeat it until all four legs are like this. Upon the fourth one’s destruction, this enemy should go down.
It’s also good to know that these enemies are mostly invulnerable everywhere else and have lots of damage reduction. Make sure you have a decent build on your guns and use mods that prevent knockdown on your frame.
Fighting a Tusk Thumper is more annoying than difficult because it moves its good legs away from you and it will start stomping and jumping around once you’ve dealt significant damage to them.
Published: Feb 5, 2024 8:23 PM UTC