Warframe Hotfix 35.5.9 has just been deployed, bringing the highly anticipated Protea Prime frame to the game alongside a suite of fixes, aiming to balance and improve the overall experience.
Of course, the big highlight of today’s Warframe hotfix is Protea Prime. This new Prime Warframe once served Parvos Granum but now defends the defenseless, and she does it in incredible style. The hotfix also fixes a number of other Warframe abilities, or adds some stability to sort them out where they’ve not been behaving as expected. It’s a small update, but one the community has been looking forward to, thanks to Protea Prime’s time manipulation abilities.
Warframe Hotfix 35.5.9 patch notes
Above is the official release trailer for Protea Prime. You can either grind for her Relics to unlock her or purchase Prime Access to instantly add her to your account. You can also pick up her new Prime weapons, Velox Prime and Okina Prime, in the same way.
Protea Prime packs in rebuffing grenades, a health and energy dispenser, and an automated turret that slips off her body in the most stylish way. The best skill you’ll get to use, though, is time manipulation. You can rewind along the path you traveled, recovering health, ammo, and energy before attacking any enemies that have snuck up behind you.
Before moving on to the smaller changes and fixes, those of you who are interested can find the latest Riven Disposition numbers here. They are updated for May 2024, so the next set should hit at the end of the month for June 2024.
Khora Prime vaulted
Now Protea is the new Prime Warframe, Khora Prime and all its associated items have been added to the vault. They’ll be brought out again in the future with new Prime Resurgence rotations. However, if you’ve got Relics that are required to craft items for it, they’ll remain in your inventory. No need to grind even more.
Changes to Syndicate Sacrifice
Since the release of Gauss Prime, all Rank 4 and 5 Syndicate Sacrifices have been replaced with Aya. So for Rank 4, it’s 2 Aya, and Rank 5 is 3 Aya.
Minor changes and fixes
The minor changes and fixes list for this Warframe update really isn’t as long as the major updates. They’re worth reading through just in case a Warframe you main is mentioned, though.
- Tennokai sound FX has been changed to help avoid auditory fatigue with melee builds and those of us who might not be able to make the loud noises while we play every evening.
- Netracell missions have been fixed so Eximus Gruzzlings should drop items when defeated. Necramites should also now pulse their blue VFX more frequently.
- A fix for a pretty specific issue that would trap players in a battle with enemies if they crashed out during host migration that prevents the Index intro cinematic from playing. This is a temporary measure and isn’t perfect, so the error could still occur. Digital Extremes is working on a permanent fix.
- An error that would load you into a squad already running a Bounty when moving from Cetus to the Plains of Eidolon has been corrected.
- A glitch that made you permanently invulnerable as Kullervo when casting Recompense and Wrathful Advance while summoning Archgun has been fixed.
- An issue with Yareli taking damage and being downed when Transferring to Operator while riding Merulina has been sorted out.
- A problem that caused you to lose functionality when moving from a Necramech to a Warframe controlling a K-Drive has been fixed.
- An error that made Gyre skirt block your line of sight while Rotorswell was active has been fixed.
- The Agile & Noble animations for Wisp have been looked at, and they now shouldn’t cause your Warframe to become non-functional or freeze.
- If you ever noticed that Note Beacons wouldn’t display for you in someone else’s Orbiter, that’s now been sorted out.
- In some cases, Korrudo would be unlit in GI lighting areas, but that’s now fixed.
- In some instances, Look Links were only showing the Primary Emissive Color channel to players on their Warframes, but now it should show the secondary one as well.
- If you ever noticed that the “Fully Scan to Unlock: text in the Simulacrum Spawner didn’t fit its background, that’s been corrected. This was an issue across multiple language versions.
- An error preventing you from chat linking Inaros Prime and Ash Prime Relics has been fixed.
- You might not have noticed this last one, but there was a script error in one of Albrecht’s Laboratories rooms, and now it’s been sorted, so you should never think about it at all.
Check out the official patch notes from Digital Extremes on the game’s forum.
Published: May 1, 2024 12:54 pm