Or EB Games for the Canucks
More than two years ago, Bethesda promised access to a Doom closed beta in exchange for Wolfenstein pre-orders. It was a long time back, but that beta is finally happening this weekend from March 31 through April 3. However, it’s not just those Wolfenstein backers who can partake.
Bethesda recently updated the Doom multiplayer closed beta FAQ and added an interesting tidbit. The amendment reads: “Starting April 1 at 6pm (eastern), visit your local GameStop or EB Games (Canada) to receive a free Doom closed beta access code. Codes will be distributed through April 3.”
It turns out that pre-ordering Wolfenstein many moons ago wasn’t really all that necessary. A quick trip to the mall two years later will yield the same results. Bad news for those looking to revel in its exclusivity; but, good news for everyone else just lookin’ to slay some Cyberdemons.
Doom MP Closed Beta FAQ [Doom via PC Gamer]
Published: Mar 29, 2016 04:47 pm