Are you chasing the latest meta exotic armor piece for your Destiny 2 class, lest you get booted from your raid group for not being able to dish out damage in the most efficient manner possible? We get it. Presuming you’ve chosen to undertake this grind on a Veles Labyrinth day, let’s make our way over to the Cosmodrome.
How to get to Veles Labyrinth
Depending on how nimble you are with your sparrow, you can choose to land at Skywatch and weave your way through the Terrestrial Complex. However, The Steppes landing zone offers the most direct and unobstructed path to your destination, Forgotten Shore. Head North through the Steppes, and hang right through the Mothyards.
Once you’ve arrived, head towards the southern end of the area, near a hollowed out building on a cliff. If you haven’t cleared the Lost Sector at least once on normal difficulty, you’ll need to do so. Drop down the hatch on the boat’s western end and blitz through. Once finished, you should see the Legend and Master Tier Lost sector flag on top of the boat.
Veles Labyrinth Legend Season 22 Loadouts

You’ll be making your way through a network of tunnels crawling with Hive combatants in close quarters. Your best bet is to show up with some solid area-of-effect weapons and abilities to dispatch dense Thrall waves. In Season of the Witch, you’re dealing with Arc and Solar shields in here, as well as an Arc threat; prepare accordingly. Also ensure you’re taking advantage of Solar and Strange surge modifiers, which will beef up your output in those damage types by 25 percent.
A few, but certainly not all options for armor include; Sunbracers for Warlocks, Synthoceps for Titans, and Orpheus Rig for Hunters, though the latter class may arguably benefit just as much from Star Eater Scales.
For your Primary and Secondary slots, consider bringing an anti-barrier auto rifle and an unstoppable fusion rifle. Malfeasance can also be quite dirty here, assuming you’ve bothered to grind out the requisite Gambit matches. Some (but definitely not all) options for these two slots follow:
Auto rifles:
- Perpetualis (Strand)
- Rufus’s Fury (Strand)
- Krait (Stasis)
- The Number (Arc)
- Shadow Price (Arc)
- Ammit AR2 (Solar)
Fusion rifles:
- Riptide (Stasis)
- Deliverance (Stasis)
- Plug One.1 (Arc)
- Midha’s Reckoning (Arc)
- Royal Executioner (Solar)
- Cartesian Coordinate (Solar)
As for Power weapons, hard-hitting exotics like Xenophage or Thunderlord are great for boss and champion bursting. Alternatively, and arguably even better, could be a legendary Strand LMG like Circular Logic.
While Arbalest is usually a solid choice for the primary slot when dealing with anti-barrier champions, choosing this beast for Veles Labyrinth in Season 22 may not be ideal. The reason being, you would likely need to pair it with another special ammo weapon. Which, would likely be another fusion rifle, because scout rifles are far from ideal in this Lost Sector’s close-quarters encounters.
Personally, I like to gamble a little and roll up with an Arbalest, Forbearance, and Circular Logic, hoping I don’t run dry on special ammo. While it’s a lot of fun, I’ll concede it’s perhaps not the best loadout to farm with if you come up short.
How to beat Veles Labyrinth on Legend difficulty
Make your way down the narrow tunnel and you’ll quickly reach a wall with an ‘A’ hive rune preventing your passage. Behind you on the left is a switch you can shoot to bring it down (see the screenshot above for the exact location). Hug the right-hand side of the tunnel, but be wary of a wave of enemies around the next corner and a Barrier Knight.
Also be mindful of the Fire Pit modifier, which has Acolytes leaving nasty fire pools dealing damage over time upon death. Stun the Barrier Knight with your auto rifle, and smack it down your Power weapon of choice. Either that, or chip it down with grenades and primary if you’re feeling frugal. Run to the opposite end of this room to find a switch to bring down the next Hive wall.
From here, continue hugging the right-hand side until you reach yet another Hive wall, this time with two runes blocking it. You will need to find two randomly-located switches to bring this next one down. Weave around the tunnels and scan the walls to track them down while keeping an eye out for Thrall waves. Note that you should never need to backtrack as far as the first Barrier Knight room to find them. Once past the wall, proceed with caution.
The final stretch of the tunnel can be treacherous, as another Barrier Boomer Knight can poke its head around the corner to blast you down with arc damage. All the while, red-bar Thralls are chasing you down. Take this section slowly, and deal with the Barrier Knight once you’re certain you’ve downed all of the trash mobs.
Once you’re through, dispatch the enemies on the right side of the chasm. Before heading upstairs, look up to the left and check if the Shrieker in the final area is open to damage, and take it down if possible – it’ll save you a headache later. Also, be on the lookout for an Unstoppable Ogre spawn in that vicinity. Otherwise, head up the stairs and clear the next mob, and the Barrier Knight that comes along with them. Continue keeping an eye out for the aforementioned Ogre.
Once that’s all dealt with, a large Hive portal will spawn in the back of the room, and a wave of Acolytes will drop from a cliff on your left. Deal with them first, before turning your attention to the waves of enemies coming out of the portal. Be on the lookout for a rather annoying Blistered Wizard with a Solar shield. As you’ve been doing up until this point, take your time, and dip in and out of cover as needed.
After a few more waves of enemies, you’ll finally get to see the big boy, Ak-Baral, Rival of Navôta coming out of the portal. Mercifully, he shouldn’t be too painful to deal with. Hunters with Star-Eater Scales can burst him down quickly with supers, as can Thundercrash Titans with Cuirass of the Falling Star.
Hop up to where the acolytes were spawning to grab your loot, don’t get the drop that you were after, mutter under your breath, and run it back. Happy farming!
Published: Sep 27, 2023 12:20 PM UTC