The Twilight franchise is a giant cash cow. The books, movies and even … underwear have sold like crazy but one sector the franchise hasn’t touched yet is the videogame market. Games analyst Nick Gibson spoke about the possibility of a Twilight game series and believes that a game based on the wimpification of vampires could “easily present a seven-figure exploitation opportunity.” Nick goes on to say that the videogame would be a hit with the ladies, especially on the Wii and DS.
CVG points out that there may be a videogame actually in the works as BrainJunk Studios has acquired the license for Twilight based games. Also, there was that Twilight Scene it!, which Papa Burch loves.
Whatever the case, I just used this story as an opportunity to post the header image. Yup.
Twilight video game absence has ‘cost millions’ [CVG — Image]
Published: Mar 19, 2010 02:00 pm