As seen on Weekend Destructainment: Cars gone wild and crazy!
The latest episode of BritToid is now live, a Dtoider was spotted on a TV show, L.A. Noire is coming May 17, videos of Evil Ryu and Oni make it to the Internet and more happened over the weekend.
Destructoid Originals:
BritToid 6: Keep calm and jump on the bandwagon
Conduit 2 live pre-release playthrough on Chill Bros
Weekend Destructainment: Carmageddon
Dtoider Cadtalfryn makes an appearance on CBS game show
Live show: Chill Bros vs Super Street Fighter IV
Games of the Week for 1/23/2011: The dream of the 90s
Destructoid & IPlayWinner playing Super Street Fighter IV
Swagtacular: Unboxing Two Worlds II: Royal Edition
Community blogs of 1/22 & 1/23
Forum of the day: Destructoid’s Cooking Thread
Win a copy of Mindjack by jacking these screenshots
L.A. Noire trailer reveals May 17 release date
Rumor: Metal Gear Solid HD Collection imminent
Nintendo France: Last Story is not NOT coming to the West
Report: PSP2 has 3G support, PS Phone event next month
Mighty Milky Way is your new planet-hopping puzzle game
Apple takes down stolen game following Internet uproar
Beyond Black Mesa short film
This sexy nudey Bayonetta figure kit is sexy and nudey
Zen Albatross rocks us all at MAGFest
Unconfirmed video of Evil Ryu and ‘Oni Akuma’ spotted
Detailed video of Street Fighter IV’s Oni and Evil Ryu
Acquire’s underwear game is Akiba’s Trip, a vampire game
Published: Jan 23, 2011 11:59 pm