The last golden wrench has been found! Quick, someone create a mash-up of that one scene from Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory and Team Fortress 2!
The Engineer update is out, and while I strongly urge you to just go play it right now, I guess I’m contractually obligated to be slightly more informative than that. Since we last checked in, a few developments have been made, such as the maps “Hightower” and “Thunder Mountain” (terrific name).
More importantly, there’s “the Gunslinger,” a replacement for the standard wrench. This robotic hand causes Engineers to drop cost-effective, miniaturized sentries instead of the normal ones. They are cute, and should freshen up Engineer strategies for the coming weeks. Read more here, or simply boot up TF2.
Team Fortress 2
- Added The Frontier Justice.
- Added The Wrangler.
- Added The Gunslinger.
- Added The Southern Hospitality.
- Added 35 Engineer achievements.
- Engineers can now pickup & move their buildings.
- Added Engineer main menu music.
- Added 4 new maps:
- Thunder Mountain, a 3 stage Payload map.
- Hightower, a Payload Race map.
- Upward, a Payload map.
- ColdFront, a community built Capture Point map.
- Item tuning:
- The Sandvich now uses a cooldown timer, instead of the health pack recharge mechanic.
- The Gunboats now reduce self-damage by 60% (was 75%)
- The Tribalman’s Shiv bleed duration reduced to 6 second (was 8), and its damage penalty increased to 50% (was 35%).
- Added better feedback sound for Pyros on when their flamethrower is doing damage.
- Fixed blood effect on bleeding player.
- Added a glow effect to Payload carts.
- Added Romanian language support.
Published: Jul 9, 2010 2:30 AM UTC