This is Ken’s win quote in Super Street Fighter IV, which is a nod to Ken flowchart meme that circulated awhile back. You got to love Capcom! [Via EventHubs — Thanks, AriesWarlock!]
Some original videos from Vtoid were released, Nick checked out Super Street Fighter IV, Persona 5 was announced, big PSP games are on the way maybe and more happened on 03/24/10.
Destructoid Originals:
Vtoid: Cry me an engine, CryEngine 3
Rev Rant: the freedom to be boring
Vtoid: Crysis, Crysis Warhead, and Left 4 Dead 2
Vtoid: Carnage crashes the Game Developer’s Conference
Top five healthcare systems in videogames
Something about sex: Morrigan Aensland
Community blogs of 03/24/10
Forum of the day: VideoGames in Five Words
Getting all oiled up for Super Street Fighter IV
Going to PAX East? Make sure to check out Limbo
Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker gets a pop music video
Blizzard puts out another patch for Diablo II
Let’s revisit Nintendo’s first 3D system, the Virtual Boy
Gifting App Store purchases now a possiblity
Four-player split screen: ModNation Racers has it!
Sony rejects 3DS, says children don’t need 3D gaming
The Witcher: Versus headed to iPhone/iPod Touch
Sony’s PlayStation Portable turns five
Prince of Persia gets ‘Forgotten Arena’ pre-order DLC
F.E.A.R 3 t3as3d, unfortunat3ly nam3d F.3.A.R.
Game Room hits Xbox LIVE, totally borked
Diablo 3’s female Witch Doctor art revealed
Third-party upscaler makes Wii HD
Here’s the new stuff you get in L4D2: The Passing
Pachter: Wii ‘lacks a sales catalyst’, needs price cut
FINALLY: UK game industry getting tax relief!
New PS3 Wipeout revealed?
Persona 5 confirmed!
Sony promises big PSP games are coming … again
Duke Nukem: Manhattan Project on XBLA sounding likely
GameFly has a bunch of PS3/360 games on sale
Ubisoft blames God of War for Prince of Persia’s problems
PSN Spring Fever Sale: Gravity Crash and Everyday Shooter
RPG heroes are jerks
You got Team Fortress 2 in my Persona 4
Majin and the Forsaken Kingdom gets some screenshots
Watch some hypocrites attack videogames on British TV
Tournament of Legends gets new vid, cheap price and delay
Check out Modern Warfare 2’s ‘Stimulus Package’
Zenonia 2 coming to iPhone, trailer is INCREDIBLE
New Raskulls trailer brings the Cheesy Evil
Dtoid vs. Ekans? Make it in Sketchnation Shooter!
Published: Mar 24, 2010 11:59 pm