Congrats to our friends over at The Behemoth! One million players have played Castle Crashers after only ten months on Xbox Arcade.
Conrad looked back at Altered Beast, Dale reviewed Devil Survivor, Samit checked out Backbreaker, Max Payne needs a good bath, Mass Effect Galaxy is on the App Store, Sonic turns 18 and plenty more happened on 06/23/09.
Destructoid Originals:Podtoid 103: Chet
RetRose Tinted: Altered Beast
Game Debate to the Death! Counter-Strike VS Portal
Community:Community blogs of 06/23/09
Forum of the day: Unsolicated HAWP ideas
Reviews:Devil Survivor
Dynasty Warriors 6: Empires
Contests:Win a Cities XL beta key!! (Update)
News:The Punisher: No Mercy punishes PSN on July 2
Fallout 3 ‘Point Lookout’ DLC available on Xbox LIVE
Suda 51: ‘Middle audience’ crucial to Japan game biz
APB and Crackdown developer working on another MMO
Castle Crashers hits one million players
Infinity Ward talks co-op in Modern Warfare 2
Gears of War getting another update, Epic gives details
Mass Effect Galaxy hits the App Store
The next Command and Conquer to be an MMO?
Telltale says Tales of Monkey Island may come to XBLA
Microsoft offering standalone wireless mics this fall
Well Played 1.0 is free, the best videogame book I’ve read
Final Fantasy VII moves 100,000 on PlayStation Network
Curve’s Explodemon! coming to PSP, PSPGo
ESRB says Wii exclusive Cursed Mountain is coming to PC?
Completing iPhone Mass Effect unlocks stuff in sequel
New details pop up on Tales of Vesperia PS3 content
GameStop knows your family is broke, starts new summer thing
Reserve Assassin’s Creed II and get an old place to visit
EA wants you to design weapons for Army of Two: The 40th Day
Valve games harness the power of 3D, support Novint Falcon
Mars’ lead platform is the PS3, but not for the fun of it
Offbeat:SKYNET ALERT: Xbox 360 controlling a MULE
Call Cliffy B whatever you want
Happy birthday Sonic, you’re finally legal
James Barnett’s Fauxvism: Fallout 3’s Megaton meets Matisse
Media: Behind the scenes of Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince
Chicago Blackhawks’ Patrick Kane is NHL 10 cover athlete
Your Avatar’s head is playable in Madballs on XBLA
More free Saint’s Row DLC drops, Busey’s still crazy
Cool tour: The Conduit teaser has DC landmarks and aliens
Monster Hunter PSP Rookie pack announced in two colors
Tropico 3 coming to Xbox 360, bringing toucans
First Max Payne 3 screenshots reveal dirtiest t-shirt ever
Brutal Legend box art ushers in impending Rocktober arrival
LOTRO ‘Scourge of Khazad-dum’ update is live
Published: Jun 24, 2009 4:59 AM UTC