Team Ninja will officially announce a new game tomorrow night at its annual pre-TGS press event. Last year, we got our first look at Dead or Alive 5 (which we will have a review of soon!). Here’s my translation of the Twitter post containing the message:
One more Tokyo Game Show connection. At last year’s Tokyo Game Show, we showed off Dead or Alive 5 for the first time. So, at the same time this year … we will announce a new project for a system.
With a new Dead or Alive and Ninja Gaiden recently released, it leaves one to wonder what the next project may be. It could be something small like a Vita port for either game or it could be something major like Other M 2, long buried project Ni-Oh, or that cancelled Dead or Alive prequel Code Chronos.
If Team Ninja announce it is helping develop Itakagi’s Devil’s Third, I will cheer as the world simultaneously implodes.
[via Team Ninja’s Twitter]
Published: Sep 18, 2012 6:00 PM UTC