1UP is reporting that Tetris Online, Inc. has announced that Tetris Party will be hitting WiiWare this fall.
The game is said to include 18 different modes, local multiplayer, and six-player online battles. As if it makes any difference, it appears as if your Miis can also be used to represent yourself online. This will be the most wild and crazy party yet, with multiple control schemes, including support for the Wii Balance Board. No idea how that’s going to work out, but if I can tone my abs while trying to nail some T-spins, I’m all for it.
Now I’m not saying I’m the best Tetris player on the block, but … OK, I’m freakin’ great. I have fond memories of trampling Destructoid’s own Dale North in a few games of Tetris DS when we first met in Tokyo for the Tokyo Game Show last year. Sorry about that, Dale. Maybe you can get your revenge later this year when the game hits WiiWare.
You can find some screens over at 1UP.
Published: Jul 30, 2008 8:37 PM UTC