Unfortunately for our Latin American brethren, the sub-Amazonian games industry has always been a bit mystical and nefarious. Prices are exorbitant, piracy is rampant, and, for better or worse, the black market seems to be thriving. Some of the more interesting aspects of the Latin games industry, however, are its clones.
Tectoy is a Brazilian company that licenses Sega games for its perennial Genesis, Mastery System and Mega Drive clones. They also happen to be Sega’s official Brazilian distributor, responsible for the Brazilian Saturn and Dreamcast campaigns. Tectoy’s latest system is the Mega Drive 3, which will feature 86 pre-loaded games (no cartridge loader) and two controllers.
Here’s the kicker: four of those 86 games are brand spanking new. EA has apparently signed up to release some of its games on Tectoy’s wunderkonsole: FIFA 08, Need for Speed: Pro Street, The Sims, and Sim City will all be making appearances on the Mega Drive 3. These are ports from the mobile versions of the games, not the backwards-engineered beauties I’d hoped they would be. Blast processing was awesome, but not that awesome.
Anyway, check out the full list of games to be included on the Mega Drive 3. Some are classics — Altered Beast, Golden Axe, Kid Chameleon — and some are complete mysteries. There’s no price for the Mega Drive 3 yet, but I would pay tens of reals for a chance to play Minerador, whatever that means.
[Via InsertCredit, via Kotaku]
Published: Sep 5, 2008 4:45 AM UTC