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Image via No More Robots

Spirittea gets fidgety with big Moving and Grooving update

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Cheesemaster Games has released a new update for its cozy bathhouse game, Spirittea. This patch brings some more life into its residents by adding more animations for characters. This may seem like a minor thing, but, in retrospect, the world lacked a bit of life, so this could be a big help.

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That’s not all the update does, however. It also introduces a “recovery shrine” for whenever you lose an important quest item. And, hm… I’m going to just paste the patch notes here and we can talk after. See you after the bullet points.

  • Fixed bug where large bath would remain frozen if heaters were placed on left or right side of bath
  • Finished adding Gale’s, Jan’s, Julian’s, Kenzo’s, Ling’s, Maru’s and Kim’s animations
  • Changed how the shovel, net and rod look in water reflections
  • Fixed crashes around wind and atmosphere audio
  • Fixed a bug where blank spots in Fenias’s shop would appear as a value of -1 if the player scrolled vertically
  • If an item disappears when moving between rooms, a pop up now occurs to highlight to the developers there has been an issue. The player will then be holding an invisible object rather than the game crashing like before.
  • Fixed an issue where Kim’s quest doesn’t count buying the small retro TV in progressing the quest
  • Added in all the new localised text!
  • Added a new face to the character customisation at the start of the game
  • Changed the photocamera to being purchasable just one from the shop, but also from the new recovery shrine
  • Removed brooms from Song’s shop and made them available at the recovery shrine
  • Changed the duck statue in the lord room to hopefully stop it from eating people’s items!
  • Added the item recovery shrine/shop to the stone shrine to the left of the town shop. Key items can be re-bought there if they’re somehow lost
  • Added a backup for Miko’s quest in case spirit is teleported out of bounds, so the player can still complete the quest
  • Added the ability to clean and re-clean the duck debris around duck nests (though it returns after 5 days due to ducks losing feathers)
  • Fixed the friendships achievement triggering when raising friendship naturally in game (not loading from the main menu)
  • Removed the dust in the bathhouse which was unreachable for players to clean up
  • Fixed the bug where trying to remove multiple objects from the fridge or storage chest, with a full backpack, resulted in one of the object being created at the player’s feet
  • Added 3 atmospheric cicada sound effects for summer
  • Removed friendship gained from digging at a spot already dug up
  • Fixed a bug where if the season changed to spring or summer and Jillian or Yari came to town, they wouldn’t have the correct friendship level (unless the game was re-loaded from the main menu)
  • Boosted pumpkin grow chance from 30% to 70%

Welcome back. When I reviewed Spirittea I was pretty harsh on it. Okay, I was very harsh on it. I felt that it wasn’t really all that cozy, just very dull. I also admitted that what I might find boring might be exactly what someone else finds relaxing, but, from my perspective, it needed a lot of work. Work is being done, which is always cool to see. However, I think it will need a few more updates before I’m willing to jump back in.

Spirittea is available on Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, Switch, and PC.

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Image of Zoey Handley
Zoey Handley
Staff Writer
Staff Writer - Zoey is a gaming gadabout. She got her start blogging with the community in 2018 and hit the front page soon after. Normally found exploring indie experiments and retro libraries, she does her best to remain chronically uncool.