Peter Parker looking at tail in Spider-Man 2.
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Spider-Man 2: How to defeat Lizard (It Chose You guide)

A truly terrible lizard.

Dr Connors is Harry’s doctor, and when his experiments go awry, he turns into a destructive reptile known as Lizard. You have to stop Lizard and reverse the transformation, as Dr Connors is the only one who can help Harry and Peter with their symbiote suit problem. This guide will show you how to defeat Lizard and complete the It Chose You mission in Spider-Man 2.

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T-Rex in museum in Spider-Man 2.
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It Chose You Spider-Man 2 walkthrough

With Lizard on the loose in New York, Peter sets out to track and bring down the monster. You start the mission by heading to the quest marker which will take you to the subway. Head down the subway, taking out any fires in your path by using L1 and R1 to break open some water pipes.

Continue traveling through the sewerage system until you arrive at an Oscorp lab. Investigate all the items lying around, then head to the research terminal where there is a big red button to press. Do it.

Investigate the screen, and then you’ll be presented with a strange stone that makes the symbiote suit react. Before you can grab it, Lizard arrives. Time for the showdown.

Lizard wearing white coat in Spider-Man 2.
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How to defeat Lizard in Spider-Man 2

Phase 1

The battle against Lizard is a tough one, but the reptile can be conquered. During combat, remember to stay away from the tail. Lizard can whip his fast, and it has a long reach.

When Lizard isn’t whipping his tail, he may use his Crush attack which cannot be parried or blocked, so dodging is your only option. You’ll know this move is coming when a blue warning appears around Lizard’s head. He’ll also swipe at you with his claws or leap at you, and you can avoid these moves by dodging or parrying.

While dodging the attacks, put a beating on Lizard. Using one of your Abilities deals great damage, and you can also attack the monster by baiting it to stand over one of the yellow doors on the floor and then using L1 and R1 to pull the door. This stuns the lizard, giving you a chance to unleash violence upon it.

Lizard in museum in Spider-Man 2.
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Phase 2

The second phase is much like the first, except Lizard will now crawl on the wall and circle the room. He can leap at you from there, so be ready to dodge when you see the blue warning around his head.

To knock the monster down, web it up by pressing R1 in its direction. This will give you a small window of opportunity to web strike by pressing the triangle button, which will get you level with the monster. Give him a few good blows and dodge his jaws, and he’ll come tumbling down.

Do this enough times, and you’ll eventually wear Lizard down enough to keep him subdued. You can speed things up by making use of your Symbiotic Surge and Abilities.

Lizard and Peter Parker in Spider-Man 2.
Screenshot by Destructoid.

The Chase

A roar from Lizard pains the symbiote, giving Lizard a chance to escape and raise hell on the streets of New York. To keep up with him, web-swing as fast as you can.

Eventually, you and him will crash into a building and you’ll have to tap square repeatedly to avoid being chomped by Lizard. Back on the streets, Lizard will start throwing cars at you, and they can be dodged by pressing circle. When you receive the prompt to press triangle, do so, and you’ll zip to Lizard.

As if you didn’t have your hands full already, the Hunters show up in tanks and helicopters. Dodge their bullets while Lizard destroys the tanks. Lizard runs up a skyscraper and you’re trailing not far behind attached to the monster by a string of web. He occasionally throws stuff at you, so be ready to dodge.

If you manage to hold on, Lizard reaches the top of the tower but is promptly hit with a missile from Kraven’s helicopter. Lizard’s tail falls off, and you and the reptile plummet through the ground and face off once again in the sewers.

Lizard in the sewer in Spider-Man 2.
Screenshot by Destructoid.

Phase Three

Time for a final showdown. Using his lizard powers, the reptile grows its tail back. Like the previous phases, dodge when you see the blue warning around the monster’s head. He’s learned that the symbiote doesn’t like noise so he’ll also roar at you sometimes. It’s important you dodge the roar because it cripples the symbiote, leaving you open to attacks and unable to defend yourself.

Lizard will also crawl on the walls. The previous method for knocking him down works, but you can also open doors on the wall while he’s on them to have him tumbling to the ground.

Weaken him enough, and you’ll eventually have the chance to jab Lizard with the serum, transforming him back into Dr Connors. That’s all the hard work done. The rest of the mission is mainly a cutscene revealing how the symbiote was found.

From here on out things are significantly darker as the symbiote grows in strength. Be sure to keep upgrading your equipment to ensure you’re powerful enough to take on whatever’s thrown your way.

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Image of Smangaliso Simelane
Smangaliso Simelane
Staff Writer - Smangaliso Simelane is a writer with a passion for all things related to video games. He has been writing about video games since 2020.