Sony’s Welcome Back program is now up and running. A number of goodies — most importantly, free games, right? — are now available and will remain redeemable through July 3.
PlayStation 3 users get to pick two games out of Dead Nation, inFAMOUS, LittleBigPlanet, Super Stardust HD, and Wipeout HD + Fury; PlayStation Portable gamers get to choose two from LittleBigPlanet, ModNation Racers, Pursuit Force, and Killzone Liberation.
For specifics and more on everything else included in this please-don’t-hate-us package, head over to the PlayStation Blog.
If you’re having trouble getting your free games, which it seems like a number of people are, Kristi Fernandez on the PS Blog suggests the following method. (Thanks for the heads up, Bob.)
Select ‘Welcome Back Free PS3 Game 1′ and click on ‘Get Now’
Press circle to go back and select your first free game
Return to the Welcome Back page and select ‘Welcome Back Free PS3 Game 2′ and click on ‘Get Now’
Press circle to go back and select your second free game
Go to the XMB(tm) to play your free gamesMake sure to complete the download of each title all the way otherwise you’ll have to go into account management>transaction management>services list>SCEA Promotions to download the games.
Hope that helps.
Published: Jun 3, 2011 8:40 PM UTC