Before I head home for the holidays to live it up with some heavily spiked eggnog (and foolin’ around with old flames under the mistletoe) I thought I’d wish every gamer out there a happy holiday farewell.
2007 has been such a grand year that I wonder how 2008 can top it. I’m talking about the kind of thing that would actually bring together all the fanboys from each console camp, convince them all to lay down their weapons, and hold hands to sing “Hands Across America.” Or since it’s the holidays, maybe “Don’t They Know It’s Christmas.” Man, I would kill to see Bono, George Michael, Sting, and Boy George perform together again. I wonder why George and George never hooked up …
Anyways, believe it or not, what I have in this surprise gift above is even better. Hit the jump to tear off the wrapping to unveil this special holiday delight.
Best of all, it only costs $99, and you get a free pack-in game: Grand Theft Auto: Welcome to Dtoid City!
Dr. Boa may sound like someone who starred in some porn with Dirk Diggler, but his true passion is interactive entertainment. He’s notched +15 years in the gaming industry from QA to launching several big hits, so he’s got a healthy perspective on what goes on from the flipside. It’s amazing he’s not a jaded cynic yet. He’s finally glad to see more drug filled parties with playboy bunnies and B level celebs like all other entertainment fields. Yes, gaming has finally made it.
Published: Dec 19, 2007 10:41 pm