remove or sell the Apparatus in Lethal Company in the wall

Should you remove or sell the Apparatus in Lethal Company?

What's this thing do?

While playing Lethal Company, you may have stumbled on an unusual device. The ‘Apparatus’ seems to have something to do with power, but should you remove or sell it in Lethal Company? The blaring radiation warning you get from yanking it out of the wall is a tad worrisome.

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But there are situations where you probably don’t have much choice.

My team was dead. I was surrounded by Bunker Spiders. And worse, we were still just under quota. It was up to me to find one last piece of scrap and run. Crouching low, I entered a room and began furiously scanning everything. I got a ping on what looked like a light bulb sticking out of a wall. It was called an Apparatus, with a value set as: “???” Okay then, time to gamble.

remove or sell the Apparatus in Lethal Company not a great flashlight

Does the Apparatus cause radiation damage in Lethal Company?

Removing the Apparatus while playing Lethal Company may lead you to feel some instant regret. The lights in the facility snap off, and you get a warning blaring across your screen: “Increased levels of radiation.”

But as far as I could tell, the warning was all for nothing. I didn’t notice my health dropping while carrying the Apparatus, which weighs 31 lbs. and takes two hands. I managed to sneak it all the way back to the ship without taking any damage (I was real sneaky). At worst, removing it shuts off the lights, and the thing barely illuminates enough to act as a makeshift flashlight. It seems best just to take it back to the ship and sell it for cash.

remove or sell the Apparatus in Lethal Company radiation levels

Can you sell the Apparatus?

Even though the scanner doesn’t show a dollar value, you can sell the Apparatus for cash in Lethal Company. I sold it for 80 space bucks at the Company HQ. There is a range with the value of some items, so I can imagine it going for more or less. It’s actually a good chunk of change, as some of the more expensive two-handed items go for around 40-60 each.

remove or sell the Apparatus in Lethal Company paycheck amount

The game does contain mysteries and Easter eggs, and the Apparatus may tie into something. There’s a chance it can be used for something else, or it will be in the near future. But for now, it seems like a good idea to remove and sell the Apparatus in Lethal Company. It can’t be worse than missing quota and getting fired, right?

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Image of Cameron Woolsey
Cameron Woolsey
A contributing writer, Cam has been playing games for decades and writing about them for about 15 years. He specializes in action RPGs, shooters, and brawlers, but will always make a little bit of time for indies and classics.