Shatter is like a sexier, more realized version of Arkanoid that you want to download, even if you don’t know it yet. And how could you not? The PlayStation Network exclusive has looked and sounded fantastic in every trailer released so far (all two of them).
New Zealand-based developer Sidhe says its retro-inspired brick breaker will debut on July 23 for a very reasonable $7.99. Managing Director Mario Wynand expects all of us to “find Shatter to be a fun title with a deep, inspired soundtrack that makes you want to keep playing long after you should be in bed.”
The number one cause for my lack of sleep is videogames, for better or for worse, but I see what he’s getting at. Our previous coverage of Shatter resulted in a lot of happy faces. Do you guys still feel the same way?
Published: Jul 9, 2009 07:40 pm