Like with that gender-bending Street Fighter fan art and maybe-creepy Roll artwork we recently posted, I have a feeling that this Pokemon fan-art is going to draw some polarizing opinions. It’s undeniable that it took a lot of time and creative energy to think of 493 anthropomorphic equivalents to match each and every Generation 1-4 Pokemon, and a lot of them are pretty brilliant. I tried to put the best of the best of them in the image above, but I didn’t even come close. Slowbro is particularly amazing.
The question of good taste comes into question when considering exactly how these Poke-people are depicted. For starters, other than a few of the male-specific Pokemon (like Nidorino), all of the Pokemon here have been turned into females. That’s already a little suspect. Add the fact that all these women all range somewhere between adorable, to badass, to sex worker, and you’ll see why I’m guessing why some will find this art to be in bad taste.
To me, it makes perfect sense to equate a Pokemon’s various stages of evolution to the stages of puberty. I also get why so many of these Poke-girls are cute and/or badass, because those are the two adjectives that describe the Pokemon series at its best. I just question the occasional use of enormous, half-naked boobs and sexually suggestive postures. It feels cheap. It takes real brilliance to come up with a great character design, while any second rate hack can throw a huge rack on a Pokemon and call it a day.
Besides, this is the internet. It’s got enough boobs as it is, don’t you think?
493 Pokemons Drawn As Anime Girls [Geekologie]
Published: Jan 30, 2011 7:00 PM UTC