On Sunday evening at TNA’s Hard Justice Pay-Per-View, I watched Sanjay Dutt — dressed in a tuxedo — wrestle another man that he was chained to. The match, from the jeers and chants of “boring” from the crowd, was underwhelming.
So I’m not sure how I feel about the announcement that Sanjay Dutt will be included in the roster of wrestlers in Midway’s upcoming TNA iMPACT! for the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3. In fact, because I don’t experience I have with the guy (because I don’t really follow wrestling) is that one, snore-inducing match. But the dude does have a pretty fancy, pink tambourine … he can’t be all that bad, right?
Sanjay Dutt, along with his flamboyant tambourine, will be one of the 25 featured wrestlers (not including secret characters) in TNA iMPACT! when it ships next month. 21 have been announced so far; hit the jump for the revealed roster.
- Abyss
- AJ Styles
- Alex Shelley
- Booker T
- Chris Sabin
- Christian Cage
- Homicide
- Rhino
- Sting
- Shark Boy
- Sonjay Dutt
- Eric Young
- Hernandez
- Jay Lethal
- Kurt Angle
- Christopher Daniels
- Samoa Joe
- Jeff Jarrett
- Scott Steiner
- Tomko
- Kevin Nash
Published: Aug 14, 2008 2:38 PM UTC