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If you haven’t been privy to the Borderlands 2 footage Gearbox has been delicately spoon-feeding fans over the past several months, then lay your worries to rest because I’ve somehow managed to get my hands on six full minutes of co-op gameplay footage featuring Maya, the game’s token bluenette and Siren extraordinaire. This walkthrough leads us through the Caustic Caverns level, wherein Maya and her gun-toting sidekick Salvador(s) are tasked with retrieving some photos of the… uh, “lewd” variety.
We’ve also got walkthrough videos up for Salvador the Gunzerker, Zer0 the Assassin, and Axton the Commando, showing off the Opportunity city level shown behind closed doors at this year’s E3.
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Published: Jun 21, 2012 7:15 PM UTC