Ooh, now this is exciting. Kotaku, using a number of sources including a sketch by an unnamed Chinese blogger who purportedly has a 3DS dev kit, has come up with an outline of expected features for the handheld. We only have a few days until the official reveal, sure, but this is too crazy not to talk about.
Those with a heart condition and anyone who can’t handle taking gaming coverage with a fistful of salt, please leave the room. It’s said that in addition to a standard d-pad, the 3DS will make full use of an analog stick (different from the PSP’s control nub).
As shown in Kotaku’s mock-up, it is also believed the basic design of the handheld will match the current DS’ layout, with the top screen being much larger and where the 3D magic is rumored to take place. Additionally, a tilt sensor or accelerometer is expected as is an integrated 3D camera.
Even if only some of this ends up being true, Nintendo’s unveiling of the 3DS on Tuesday will almost certainly “wow” me like few 3D devices before it. For whatever reason, eyewear-free 3D on a portable system seems like a perfect fit. Am I alone in thinking this?
Is This Nintendo’s 3DS? [UPDATE] [Kotaku]
Published: Jun 11, 2010 05:20 pm