Part of what makes our friendly neighborhood Spidey so special is his care and compassion for community. In Spider-Man 2, side quests reinforce some of the series’ guiding ideals: heroism isn’t always about taking down larger-than-life villains, like The Sandman. Sometimes, your challenges require a more thoughtful touch.

It’s the city, personified
Peter and Miles often face an onslaught of action in New York, but Spider-Man 2 side quests offer moments of respite. They’re opportunities to truly live in the Big Apple, listening to citizens’ stories, and enjoying an extra puzzle or two.
A few truly stand out to me, like when Miles tries to help a classmate ask his boyfriend out to prom. It’s simple and straightforward, but the perspective is sweet as Vijay prepares to ask his beau out in a grand fashion. The TV Vijay plans on using won’t connect to the power, so Miles tries to reroute electricity to the shoddy screen. Spider-man 2’s simplistic, rewarding puzzles connect one node to the next, guiding the love story as you go. The whole sequence offers an adorable, thoughtful touch. As someone who’s bisexual, it’s one of those intimate details I just appreciate.

Saving the day
Another mission sends Miles to find the mascot for his school. It’s been locked away by a rival school, hidden behind more difficult puzzles this time. The cheeky writing and the puzzles use reflecting lights between mirrors, the tone more than makes up for any moments of frustration in finding a solution. You also get neat interactions between Miles’ crush, Hailey, and our hero as they try to figure out each clue presented. It demonstrates their comradery, as Spider-Man’s side quests add brilliant layers of context and background to Miles Morales.
Then there’s a favorite — a touching moment as you search for a lost grandfather. Without spoiling too much, he shares a moment with Spider-Man on a bench, offering a solemn, thoughtful scene without over-dramatizing. It’s the quietest, most sincere cutscene I’ll probably witness in a game this year.
Finding all of the collectibles also pays off in the overall narrative. For example, if you find all the Prowler Stash locations, you’ll find out more about the future of Miles’ uncle. It’s the tiny details like this that truly made the experience for me. Even the smallest moments of tenderness snowball into something bigger than an individual.
Spider-Man is just Some Guy
While none of these quests are revolutionary, they all show the human side of both Spider-Men. They’re not gallivanting off to Wakanda like The Avengers or saving the galaxy, like Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy. They’re just the down-to-earth, friendly neighborhood hero we all know and love. The movies may not have the luxury of time to show life’s milestones and private challenges, but the community is its own character here. Spider-Man 2’s side quests play to the medium’s strengths, offering another look at the heroes that truly earn them the title.
Published: Nov 2, 2023 02:00 pm