Talk about a bumpy launch. The self-proclaimed Netnoob has been blogging about how his PS3 burnt down his house. Yeah, that’s right.
Burnt. Down. His. House.
Apparently, leaving your PS3 on all night can constitute a fire hazard. Whether or not he had left his PS3 on all night in a pile of oily rags, remains to be seen. The gentlenoob isn’t terribly forthcoming with a lot of details about the what happened. Here is the most informative thing we learn about the PS3, and the fire.
The fire department has said that they fully suspect it was the playstation 3 that caused the fire, the place where that bad boy was sitting is where the fire originated from and is where the most damage and sustained heat was.
Should you be worried? Probably not. This story hasn’t been officially confirmed, and the reason why the PS3 caught fire is still unclear. Although, I’d still leave that PS3 “bad boy” you just bought turned off when you’re not using it. Sony is the company who made exploding laptop batteries all the rage last summer.
The complete blog after the break.
In his own words:
My Playstation 3 caught fire
Not thinkin the NG, big boy playstation three would have any trouble being on over night………. But I was wrong! Comming home at six in the morning and finding half of my house burnt to a crisp.. The fire department took a few days finding what set the blaze, my playstation three, so they say.. Funny the part of the house that got jacked up just so happen to be right where the ps3 was siting.Now I have up to 12,000 bucks in damage, and no more playstation!FUCK! I tryed getting in touch with the lovely people at sony, LOL but I havent seen a dime yet….
I’m not suing sony
Since I posted about my house fire, a lot of people have emailed me and there has been a lot of bullshit talk bout me suing the homies at sony. I NEVER SAID I WAS SUING ANYONE. I’m not suing… I have home owners insurance and everything will be taken care of. I have moved back into my parents house and will be getting a new place soon. I still believe it was the PS3 that caused the fire, and nothing is going to make me believe anything else. Those of you wanting interviews and what not can suck a cock, I’m not here to make you money. I will be posting a couple pictures of the PS3 tomorrow… The guys from the fire department have a couple that I think they have posted on various forums, so try searching google and you might be able to find them in the next couple days. Til that you can check out a couple of pictures of the house. You can see that the fire originated in my living room and took out the wall closest to the camera. This is where the PS3 was sitting. Also you can see what has been dubbed the remains of meh “$150” big lots couch. I will try to get PS3 aftermath photos up ASAP for you guys…
BACK TO ME SUING SONY. I have a life and I work for my money. Those of you looking to get rich by suing people can suck it. When you work hard for your money, you can appreciate what you have. If I sued sony for a million dollars, I would be just like all those who win the lottery. You will feel good for awhile, but in a year you will probably hate life more than you did when you were broke. The only thing I want is another ps3, and in a year I probably won’t feel any better whether or not I had one, but atleast I will know I didn’t stoop to the level of suing a corporation just to make a couple bucks.
The fire department has said that they fully suspect it was the playstation 3 that caused the fire, the place where that bad boy was sitting is where the fire originated from and is where the most damage and sustained heat was.
In my last post I was pissed off and not very clear, when I said I have not seen a cent from sony, i called them trying to get a replacement system. I am still pursuing getting a new system as even after all of this, I would still like a PS3. This time i wont leave it turned on over night, and un plug its ass when not in use.
To those who said my house was only worth 24k and I had my priorities in the wrong order, I am 21 years old and living on my own. My house is worth more than 24 and 12.000 was just a number i pulled out my ass, me buying an overpriced system and living in a house under 500,000 is none of your business.
Damn straight!
[Via reddit ]
Published: Dec 1, 2006 1:38 AM UTC