It’s PSN Thursday, and that means I might just gear up and blow the dust off my PS3 controller. Or I’ll just browse the Store for 10 minutes while telling myself “You don’t need to buy this, seriously” over and over again. Either way, new stuff is available via the network (we covered a bit of the new content this morning).
Square Enix’s PS3 version of THEXDER NEO is the PSN Game that has my eye this week, but I’m also thinking about taking a gander at the LittleBigPlanet PSP content. If ” The Sack That Time Forgot Level Pack” is as clever as its name seems to indicate, I wouldn’t mind dropping the $2.99 on it.
Hit the break for a pruned list and don’t forget to tell us what you plan to download. We print out all of your comments and stick them in a wicker basket of happiness at the end of every week. Why? I’m not sure.
Price Drops:
Bloons minis Permanent Price Drop (now $2.99, original price $3.99)
Brain Pipe minis Permanent Price Drop (now $2.99, original price $4.99)
Downloadable Games
PSN Games
Hustle Kings ($9.99)
Assault Heroes ($9.99)
PSOne Classics
Extreme Pinball ($5.99)
Hi-Octane:The Track Fights Back ($5.99)
UNCHARTED 2: Among Thieves Single Player Demo
Vancouver Olympic Winter Games Demo
UNCHARTED 2: Among Thieves PlayStation Heroes Pack ($4.99)
LittleBigPlanet GroundHog Day Costume (free)
Assassin’s Creed II Sequence 12: Battle of Forli ($3.99)
Guitar Hero 5 songs (click here)
Rock Band (click here)
PSP Minis
Dracula – Undead Awakening ($4.99)
Pinball Dreams ($6.99)
Route 66 ($3.99)
Deflector ($3.99)
PSP Add-ons
LittleBigPlanet PSP Gardens Theme Level Pack ($2.99)
LittleBigPlanet PSP Gardens Costumes (free)
LittleBigPlanet PSP The Sack That Time Forgot Level Pack ($2.99)
LittleBigPlanet PSP Content Update v2.02 (free)
PlayStation Store Update [PS Blog]
Published: Jan 29, 2010 05:00 am