Steam forum mods have gone on strike
Oh Overkill. Overkill, Overkill, Overkill. It may have been a few weeks since the fiasco surrounding you introducing microtransactions to Payday 2, despite making extensive promises you wouldn’t, but trust me when I say people are still pissed at you for it, and the latest update will certainly not make people dislike you any less than they do right now.
The latest update introduces “Team Boosts”, which will give cash and XP bonuses to everybody you complete a heist with. The more players on a team with that boost, the better the effect is. The catch is that these boosts are part of the weapon skin system that requires you to pay for drills to unlock.
That’s right, not only do you now have weapon boosts that make you better at hogging all the enemies if you pay for it, you also have the chance to level up and earn cash a whole lot easier. Cash can be used to unlock perks and new weapons, so this new skin is basically boosting you to be better in all areas of the game if you cough up.
Another part of the update is the Completely Overkill Safe, an item given to those who bought the Completely Overkill pack forever ago. It includes one of 25 weapon skins and seven bits of DLC (out of the 27 up for sale). That sounds good, but the skin rarity and quality are randomised, so you could’ve waited eight months to get an awful skin for a gun you don’t use while someone who bought the exact same pack could get an utterly fantastic one they use all the time.
Also, you’d assume people who supported Overkill by buying the Completely Overkill pack would likely already own the DLC they’ve just been given, so the entire thing is nowhere near as good as it’s made out to be. Huzzah!
This update has caused another uproar in the Payday 2 community, and rightly so. Even the Steam forum moderators, who have had to try and keep things in check and been subjected to death threats during the microtransaction controversy, have gone on strike until Overkill explains what the hell it’s doing:
I like to believe that I am not unreasonable but unfortunately the situation constantly degraded. We will no longer refuse to work if we are given a public interview with a member of Overkill. We want to be heard and see what Overkill are willing to do to fix the situation.
Something tells me throwing a few weapon skins out won’t fix this for Overkill.
Oh Overkill. Overkill, Overkill, Overkill. It may have been a few weeks since the fiasco surrounding you introducing microtransactions to PayDay 2, despite making extensive promises you wouldn’t. But trust me when I say people are still pissed at you for it, and the latest update will certainly not make people dislike you any less than they do right now.
The latest update introduces “Team Boosts”, which will give cash and XP bonuses to everybody you complete a heist with. The more players on a team with that boost, the better the effect is. The catch is that these boosts are part of the weapon skin system that requires you to pay for the drills to unlock.
That’s right, not only do you now have weapon boosts that make you better at hogging all the enemies if you pay for it, you also have the chance to level up and earn cash a whole lot easier. Cash can be used to unlock perks and new weapons, so this new skin is basically boosting you to be better in all areas of the game if you cough up.
Another part of the update is the Completely Overkill Safe, an item given to those who bought the Completely Overkill pack forever ago. It includes one of 25 weapon skins and seven bits of DLC (out of the 27 up for sale). That sounds good, but the skin rarity and quality are randomised, so you could’ve waited eight months to get an awful skin for a gun you don’t use while someone who bought the exact same pack could get an utterly fantastic one they use all the time.
Also you’d assume people who supported Overkill by being the Completely Overkill pack would likely already own the DLC they’ve just been given, so the entire thing is nowhere near as good as it’s made out to be. Huzzah!
This update has caused another uproar in the PayDay 2 community. Even the Steam forum moderators, who have had to try and keep things in check and been subjected to death threats during the microtransaction controversy, have gone on strike until Overkill explain what the hell it is they’re doing:
“I like to believe that I am not unreasonable but unfortunately the situation constantly degraded. We will no longer refuse to work if we are given a public interview with a member of Overkill. We want to be heard and see what Overkill are willing to do to fix the situation.”
Something tells me throwing a few weapon skins out won’t fix this for Overkill.
Published: Nov 13, 2015 7:00 AM UTC