Let’s walk through this confusing nomenclature
Ha! “Standard,” New 3DS.
Remember the OG 3DS? Well eventually it got an XL variant, then a “New” upgrade that essentially amounts to what Sony and Microsoft did with the PS4 Pro and Xbox One X respectively (except this upgrade has a few exclusive games). That New line was cleaved in two, with regular and XL sizes, the former of which support faceplates. Even though it was smaller in stature people preferred it because of the customization aspect, but it looks like it’s being phased out — at least in Japan.
According to Nintendo, the 2014 New 3DS is ending its production run in Japan. The XL will still be sold, and it isn’t explained if it’ll meet the same fate in the west. This is undoubtedly because we’re now on the New 2DS XL — there’s just too many cooks in the kitchen.
3DS [Nintendo]
Published: Jul 13, 2017 6:00 PM UTC