While ham-flavored Reggie Fils Aime was adamant that we should have been happy with Nintendo’s horrifying E3 press conference, Nintendo president Satoru Iwata has taken a classier approach and actually apologized for leaving “hardcore” gamers out in the cold. He claims that Nintendo’s “abandonment” of the core gamer is a misunderstanding, and suggests Nintendo intends to clear up that conception.
“We are sorry about (the E3) media briefings, specifically for those who were expecting to see Nintendo show something about Super Mario or Legend of Zelda,” stated the soft-spoken prez. “If there is any perception that Nintendo is ignoring the core gamers, it’s a misunderstanding and we really want to get rid of that misunderstanding by any means.”
A far cry from Reggie’s beefburger arrogance, proving our theory that Nintendo of Japan > Nintendo of America. I still don’t expect much from Nintendo anymore, and don’t hold any grudges against the company for that, but if the big N is willing to put in the legwork to make real gamers happy again, I certainly wouldn’t complain. I’m just not holding my breath.
Published: Jul 23, 2008 06:22 am