Capcom announced a new title at the World Hobby Fair in Japan yesterday. Titled Rockman EXE: Operate Shooting Star, this game is a Battle Network/Star Force crossover, an action RPG set to release on the DS sometime in 2009 in Japan, though no specific month of release was given.
The announcement was also light on details, but did come alongside the above picture. More details will be formally announced in the September issue of CoroCoro. It is said that the game will include a boss from a recent boss character contest in Japan.
While this may not have been the Mega Man game you’ve been dreaming of, producer Takeshi Horinouchi took the stage at the event and said that he had some ideas for projects for Mega Man‘s upcoming 25th anniversary.
[via Rockman Corner]
Published: Jun 22, 2009 08:40 am