Goodnight sweet brick and mortar prince
Have you ever been in a Microsoft Store? Well, you may never get the chance as of today.
Posted as an update on LinkedIn just this morning, Microsoft Store Corporate Vice President David Porter has announced that nearly every physical store location is closing. In a sea of corporate speak, Porter calls this a “new chapter” for the storefront concept, moving toward an “evolution of customer engagement.”
So what’s actually happening? Well, retail employees will be transitioning to corporate facilities as the stores close down, and there will be a scant four locations remaining (London, NYC, Sydney and Redmond Washington) going forward. Microsoft is citing increased online sales as a chief reason for the shuttering, an issue that’s plaguing brick and mortar locations at malls across the world (even pre-pandemic).
I’ve actually visited the Microsoft Store near me a number of times, and found them to be enjoyable experiences with welcoming employees. I never really bought anything there since it opened in 2011, but the Apple-aping concept was sound and the stores were pleasant. Goodnight, sweet prince: hopefully all of the workers who are impacted land on their feet.
A New Day for Microsoft Store [LinkedIn] Thanks Jeff!
Published: Jun 26, 2020 3:00 PM UTC