Sony Pictures Entertainment vice chairman Yair Landau has confirmed that a Metal Gear Solid movie is official and will be coming to a theater near you. Question is, will it suck hard? And is Uwe Boll banned from the set? Lookie here:
“We’re working with the Metal Gear guys,” Landau told GameSpot following his D.I.C.E. Summit keynote in Las Vegas. “It’s a very cinematic game, it really lends itself to movie-telling. But the question is, ‘How do you translate Snake’s experience into a full arc that conforms to what audiences expect on the large screen?'”
Landau also hinted the Metal Gear Solid movie may just be the beginning. “There are other games we are looking to develop,” the executive said. “We’re working with one of my favorite producers right now on an idea for an EverQuest movie.” The producer was apparently of such stature that Landau declined to name him. “I’ll let him disclose that,” he said cryptically.
So is this a good idea? Video game to movie transitions don’t usually work out so well — we debated this topic in Podtoid 16 for a bit.
[Thanks Zach]
Published: Feb 8, 2007 03:20 pm