Merry Xmas and Happy Holidays!
Good morning, festive friends, and welcome to a double dose of Whatcha Been Playing? Y’see, for many years, yer boy Moyse has written “Happy Holidays” posts for Christmas morning. But, this year, December 25th falls on Saturday! And that’s Whatcha Been Playing day! So I decided the best course of action was to combine the two, offering all y’all happy festive wishes from Destructoid while maintaining my triple-figure Saturday streak. This way, everybody wins — you, me, and especially the communists.
Today presents the opportunity to catch up with good movies, good friends, good food, and, of course, good video games. I will be partaking in some of the above even though, I cannot lie, I am mostly here for the quiet. It has certainly been quite a year for all of us, and it’s understandable if you’re feeling a little (or even a lot) burned out by the events of 2021. You won’t be alone in this— I can promise you that — and if the weight of this here world has crushed your festive spirit a little, then that’s absolutely fine. Nobody is expecting you to fake it ’till you make it. I just want you to be kind to yourself.
What is important is that you made it through to today, just like I knew you would. Take this holiday week as an opportunity to reward yourself for facing the trials of 2021 with strength and spirit. If you are getting together with other folks, then please be safe and take the necessary precautions. If you’re just having a quiet one, then simply make it as fun or as restful as you want it to be. Me? I will spend the weekend hitting up some of my favorite titles of the year, including Returnal, Guilty Gear Strive, and F.I.S.T., all while getting ever-so-slightly worse for wear.
I’ve got A View to a Kill on in the background right now, which is a helluva start. I’m sure you’ll agree. Destructoid will, obviously, be quieter than usual today, but I will be dipping in and out of this here article as the weekend progresses. So remember, even if your holiday is a little subdued, our door remains open to you. You are always among friends here.
Wishing you a very Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays, from all of us at Destructoid!
Ladies and Gentlemen, The Fabulous LOVELYZ.
Published: Dec 25, 2021 9:00 PM UTC