If you’re anything like me or Chad, you probably remember drawing your own videogame levels when you should have been paying attention in math class. We all did it, and dreamed of someday becoming one of the creative minds responsible for the kind of games we loved as kids. But that was elementary school; we didn’t have the fancy computer software that surely helped envision this stuff. The real pros rock some serious tech, right?
Psssh. Graph paper, baby. That’s how it’s done.
Seth Killian over at Capcom recently had a chat with Maximo creator David Siller, and he shared an exclusive look at some of the concept art that helped bring the games to life. Turns out the tried and true hand-drawn method of level design is still the way to go for some devs, and it’s pretty awesome to see the gallery.
If you still haven’t played Maximo, you’re missing out on a truly underrated action game. It’s a blast to play, it probably inspired quite a few of the action titles you’ve enjoyed since its release, and you can pick it up dirt cheap just about anywhere. Head over to Capcom-Unity for the interview and full gallery.
Published: Nov 25, 2009 04:40 pm