Lightyear Frontier How to get a Grinder

Lightyear Frontier: How to get a Grinder

Back to the grind.

What’s a farm without some giant windmill for grinding things into dust? Maybe a poultry farm or something? But in Lightyear Frontier, the Grinder is an important construct you should place on your interstellar ranch.

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To get the Grinder blueprint in Lightyear Frontier, you need to complete the mission ‘Restore Edge Cliffs’. Cleaning up the place, which is south of The Meadow biome, will award you with a new resource: Copper Ore. With Copper Ore gathered, you should unlock the blueprint permanently.

Lightyear Frontier How to get a Grinder found copper ore
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How to make the Grinder in Lightyear Frontier

Since you need Copper Ore for the blueprint, it makes sense that the metal is used in the Grinder’s construction. But that’s not the only ingredient required. To build the Grinder, you’ll need to gather:

  • 12 Stone
  • 4 Copper Wire
  • 4 Aluminum Rod

The Stone you require is the easiest to gather in the list of ingredients. All you need is to smash a few rocks lying around on the ground. The Aluminum Rod can also be gathered up rather early, and we have a guide showing you the way. The Red Crystal will take the longest amount of time.

Copper Wire, on the other hand, requires you to first build an Assembler. It takes two Copper Ore to make one Copper Wire, which means you’ll need to farm eight of the former to make four of the latter. If you make any excess, you can sell it off to the Merchant after she’s unlocked.

Lightyear Frontier How to get a Grinder grinder in construction mode
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Once you’ve compiled all the ingredients, open up the build menu to find the Grinder in the ‘Constructs – Crafting’ tab. Take note that the Grinder is a large windmill, so you’ll need to build it in an area with a lot of room to maneuver around it. The crafted items also come out of a chute on the side to the right of where the fan is pointing.

Lightyear Frontier How to get a Grinder list of things you can make with the grinder
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What can you make with the Grinder in Lightyear Frontier?

The Grinder can be used to make new, grounded resources in Lightyear Frontier. Stone can be grinded into Stone Dust, Red Crystal can become Red Crystal Dust, etc. Crafting these items will unlock even more blueprints, as crafting games are wont to do.

Later, you can turn the new material into clay and more. It also lets you create Noxious Spore, a strange otherworldly material that goes into items earned by completing Artifact challenges.

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Image of Cameron Woolsey
Cameron Woolsey
A contributing writer, Cam has been playing games for decades and writing about them for about 15 years. He specializes in action RPGs, shooters, and brawlers, but will always make a little bit of time for indies and classics.