is quickly becoming the most vital, relevant site relating to games on the entire Internet. Sure, Destructoid has the robot head, Rob Summa’s contrarian views designed to make kids cry and my gorgeous hair, but GamePolitics is actually politically relevant! If this was an Aaron Spelling TV drama, we’d be played by Tiffani Amber-Thiessen and they would be portrayed by, oh, let’s say, Jon Heder. Yes, that suits the analogy quite well.
How do they do it? With items like the Legislation Tracker. It’s always kind of an effort trying to figure out which way the winds are blowing in the US government as regards gaming, but this tracker (which is based on the easy-enough-for-a-duck-to-use Google Maps API) makes keeping track of what’s happening all over the US (and the rest of the world) very simple. It’s updated often, and the boys at GamePolitics are one of the most unbiased sources of information I’ve seen since Cronkite died.
Published: Jan 21, 2007 09:09 pm