Not the SNES release, obviously
Hamster is offering retro gaming fans the chance to step into the ring with some of the world’s greatest – and weirdest – pugilists, as classic coin-op Super Punch-Out!! returns for Nintendo Switch.
First up, this is not the excellent 1994 SNES release, but the original 1984 arcade game of the same name, that was renown for its unique double-monitor cabinet. While not quite as slick as Nintendo’s release a decade later, the original Super Punch-Out!! features the same cartoon visuals, pattern memorisation gameplay, and questionable global stereotypes of the franchise’ later editions.
Check out the action in the video below, courtesy of YouTuber Old Classic Retro Gaming. Super Punch-Out!! is available to download now on Nintendo Switch, priced at around $8
Published: Aug 15, 2020 7:00 PM UTC