You know how we saw colored Wii back when it was launched? Well, Colette and I asked Nintendo in an interview last year about where those colors were, and they looked at us like we were stupid. Well, we’re still stupid, but now there is a new Wii color. Black…for Japan. Nintendo will launch this on August 1st for 25,000 yen. Black Wii Remotes, Classic Controller Pro (the one with the fancy handles, in black and white) and the like will follow.
The DSi will also get a new color: Red. Joining the currently available rainbow that they have and we don’t will be red, which will hit Japanese store shelves on July 11, for 18,900 yen. No word on either for the western world yet.
We have sexy pictures of both units in our gallery below.
What do you think of these? I think the black Wii looks hot.
Published: Jun 4, 2009 7:41 AM UTC