Some familial bonding
Noted gamer and cool mom Jamie Lee Curtis is again racking up cosplay cred, albeit this time without slinking about EVO incognito. Here she is as an orc shaman heading to the Warcraft movie red carpet, boy warrior in tow.
#WarcraftMovie @Warcraft @warcraftmovie #itsnoteadybeinggreen Orc shaman and warrior
— Jamie Lee Curtis (@jamieleecurtis) June 7, 2016
Well we ran into @AliciaMarieBODY and our World Of Warcraft got WAY better! #ForTheHorde
— Jamie Lee Curtis (@jamieleecurtis) June 7, 2016
Only thing missing in the great @warcraftmovie was……
— Jamie Lee Curtis (@jamieleecurtis) June 7, 2016
My mom is usually dope as hell, but she’s not a rich, famous actor. Got to admit, that’s a real knock on her. On the other hand, I’ll be checking back in on the Warcraft movie reviews, which have gotten even worse as we near the June 10 release date.
Published: Jun 7, 2016 11:30 PM UTC