Camellya in the official trailer for Wuthering Waves
Image via Kuro Games

Is Camellya a playable character in Wuthering Waves?

Seductive and Suggestive... all in one package.

If you’ve played through all of the initial storyline for Wuthering Waves, then you’ve met Camellya and she probably left some kind of impression on you with her actions in the story. With said impression in mind, you’re also probably wondering if she’ll end up being a playable character, so I’ve got some insight about that will probably make you happy.

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Will Camellya be playable in Wuthering Waves?

I’ve played several Gacha games over the years, and one thing that has always been a commonality is the determination of which characters show up as playable. That commonality is that important characters that interact with the PC (Player Character) tend to become playable. As I said, this is common in most gacha games, and I believe that Camellya’s unique situation with the PC in Wuthering Waves qualifies for this metric. While this may seem like speculation, there’s more evidence that Camellya will be playable in Wuthering Waves.

The single largest piece of evidence that Camellya will be a playable character is that her kit has been leaked, and not just recently, but as far back as CBT 1. While it’s extremely likely that it will be different once she officially releases, the fact that she even had a viewable kit as far back CBT 1 means that Kuro Games has long since planned for her arrival. Since she hasn’t been officially announced, there’s always a chance that she may never see the light of day, but I think that’s highly unlikely. Why?

Camellya from the official trailer
Image via Kuro Games

Camellya is extremely popular in the Wuthering Waves community. If you’ve played through the story, you probably have a good idea why that is. Attractive female characters often perform exceptionally well in the Gacha market, and Camellya is no exception. Her captivating allure, combined with her bold and unforgettable actions in the storyline made her a standout favorite among players. The fact that she is so popular means she will very likely be playable, and sooner than you might think.

When will Camellya become playable in Wuthering Waves?

While we don’t have any official dates or any open marketing about Camellya’s banner, there is a high chance we can see Camellya become playable as early as version 1.2. Why? There is a common gacha trope of important characters becoming playable when the main story is focused upon them.

Jiyan, Wuthering Wave’s first limited five-star character, is one of the most important characters in the later half of the 1.0 storyline, which is why he was released first. This supports the assumption that character story relevance plays a role in predicting which characters become playable, and when. Considering Camellya’s interactions with the PC during the Black Shores mini-arc, this acts as further evidence of Camellya’s upcoming arrival being sooner than you think. The fact that Camellya is the only leaked character with a leaked kit attached means that Kuro Games is probably cooking her up to be released very soon.

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Image of Darrus Myles
Darrus Myles
Darrus, a seasoned guide writer and indie developer with nearly a decade under his belt, plunges into the gaming realm like a knight charging into battle (albeit with a trusty keyboard instead of a sword). With RPGs as his domain, he fearlessly slays industry challenges, turning every obstacle into XP for his quest to game domination.