Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 - How to romance Black Bartosch
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How to romance Black Bartosch in Kingdom Come 2

A good knight.

If you’ve played Kingdom Come long enough, it’s pretty evident that Henry is a hit with the ladies. But that’s not always the case. You can romance the smooth-voiced Black Bartosch in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2, and here’s how.

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You can romance Black Bartosch during the story mission, For Victory! He’s one of two romance options at the feast that takes place later in the mission. Once you’re finished speaking with Hans Capon and maybe playing a bit of a prank on a nobleman at the party, you can meet Bartosch to cap off the night.

Meet with Black Bartosch at the training grounds

Before the feast, you should go and meet with Black Bartosch down by the soldiers’ training grounds. If you relayed your concerns with Sir Otto von Bergow after the story mission Back in the Saddle, he would have asked Henry to meet with Bartosch for a reward at the start of the following mission, For Victory!

You can find Bartosch in the southwestern section of Trosky Castle near the training arena.

Normally, Bartosch is available as a trainer after completing the story mission For Whom the Bell Tolls. However, your dialogue options are limited to asking him for training or to play a game of dice. Around the time you reach For Victory, the options should be expanded.

Speak with him and check to see if you can ask about why he’s at Trosky. You may need to finish all the dialogue options ahead of the feast for the romance to work. After you’re done talking with him, complete whatever tasks you have remaining before the feast, or wait until evening.

Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 - How to romance Black Bartosch - A friendly chat
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How to romance Black Bartosch – Meet again during the feast

After the feast begins, look for Black Bartosch standing guard near the window behind Otto von Bergow’s table.

Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 - How to romance Black Bartosch - At the party
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He looks bored watching over the party, so head on over and strike up a conversation. You’re given multiple dialogue options that mostly consist of small talk.

To romance Black Bartosch, pick the option: “What about the local girls?” Bartosch makes an excuse and says he’d rather have a drink with Henry instead.

Henry gets the subtext. Reply to Bartosch with “I reckon I know what you’re getting at.” The reply works if your Impression skill is high enough.

Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 - How to romance Black Bartosch - Romance skill check
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Bartosch invites Henry to his chambers for a “nightcap,” but the latter doesn’t agree right away. Pick the option “Alright, but maybe later?” Henry will return to the party, giving you a chance to wrap up any other optional tasks.

Once you’re ready for that nightcap, return to Black Bartosh and pick the dialogue choice: “Shall we spend the rest of the evening alone?” Doing so ends the night, so be sure you’ve finished everything you want to do at the feast.

Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 - How to romance Black Bartosch - Retiring for the night
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As mentioned, Black Bartosch isn’t the only character you can romance in Kingdom Come 2. Be sure to check out our guides on how to romance Klara and Doubravka.

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Image of Cameron Woolsey
Cameron Woolsey
A contributing writer, Cam has been playing games for decades and writing about them for about 15 years. He specializes in action RPGs, shooters, and brawlers, but will always make a little bit of time for indies and classics.