Seafood Platter in Disney Dreamlight Valley
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How to make Seafood Platter in Disney Dreamlight Valley

Season to taste.

In the world of cozy games, one core mechanic is cooking, with many recipes that can be learned, allowing you to make meals that can be sold for profit or eaten to gain energy. Disney Dreamlight Valley goes above and beyond in this aspect of the genre, offering players a whopping 424 recipes to make. 

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This staggering number includes all of the recipes added in both the Rift in Time and Storybook Vale expansions and range from one to five-star recipes. Each recipe requires the same number of ingredients as it has stars, and some require much more easy-to-come-by ingredients than others. One such relatively easy-to-make recipe is Seafood Platter. 

Seafood Platter is a two star Appetizer that is made using one single type of ingredient. Unlike other recipes, this one doesn’t call for anything specific, but rather a certain type of ingredient to track down. 
Here’s everything you need to know about Seafood Platter in Disney Dreamlight Valley.

How to make Seafood Platter in Disney Dreamlight Valley

How to make Seafood Platter in Disney Dreamlight Valley
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As you might expect, a Seafood Platter is predominantly made using Seafood of various types, and you’re not limited to one specific item when it comes to cooking up this dish. In total, you’ll need two individual Seafood to cook up a regular-sized Seafood Platter, and there are plenty of different types to choose from. 

Seafood in Disney Dreamlight Valley can be split into two different obtainment methods. There are those that must be fished up from the coastal waters around the Valley, Eternity Isle, or Storybook Vale, and there are those that can be foraged from the shore of various locations. 

When it comes to items that are foraged, it’s worth noting that only five of each can spawn at any one time, so it’s a good idea to collect them and store them whenever you find them.

What counts as Seafood in Disney Dreamlight Valley?

Seafood items in Disney Dreamlight Valley
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With each new expansion, more types of Seafood become available to use. There are no “optimal times” to catch or gather Seafood in Disney Dreamlight Valley, as all Seafood can be found at any time. 

Here’s all of the items that count as “Any type of Seafood”, and where they can be found.

Base game Seafood

SeafoodLocation / MethodFishing spot color
ClamForaging on Dazzle Beach
OysterForaging on Dazzle Beach
ScallopForaging on Dazzle Beach
ShrimpFishing on Dazzle BeachBlue or White
CrabFishing in Frosted HeightsBlue or White
LobsterFishing in the Glade of TrustGold
SquidFishing in:
– The Glade of Trust
– The Forgotten Lands
– Mythopia
Blue or White
Festive SquidFishing in the Glade of Trust
(December 18 – 31)
Red and Green

Rift in Time Seafood

SeafoodLocation / MethodFishing spot color
Brilliant Blue StarfishFishing in the Glittering DunesGold
OctopusFishing in Ancient’s LandingBlue or White
Pretty Pink StarfishFishing in The OasisGold
Prisma ShrimpFishing in The Wild TangleGold
Sea SnailFishing in Ancient’s LandingBlue or White

Storybook Vale Seafood

SeafoodLocation / MethodFishing spot color
Trumpet SnailForaging in The Bind
Sorcerer Hat Hermit CrabFishing in The BindGold
MusselForaging in Mythopia
HippocampusFishing in MythopiaWhite
Stygian MudskipperFishing in MythopiaGold

How to make Large Seafood Platter in Disney Dreamlight Valley

Large Seafood Platter in Disney Dreamlight Valley
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If you’ve got more of an appetite and want more extravagant to eat and fill your energy bar, you could always take the recipe for a regular Seafood Platter, double the quantity of Seafood, and add a Lemon to get a Large Seafood Platter. 

Here’s the recipe:

  • 4 of the Seafood listed above
  • 1 Lemon

How to cook in Disney Dreamlight Valley

Cooking at Chez Remy in Disney Dreamlight Valley
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Regardless of what you want to cook, Seafood Platters of any size included, the only cooking method in Disney Dreamlight Valley is throwing all of the ingredients into boiling water and hoping for the best. Somehow, this boiling pot is capable of churning out soups, crispy pastries, and even ice cream treats. 

We’ll just assume that this is some funky Disney magic at play, and try not to ask too many questions. 

Anyway, to cook, you’ll need to interact with a stove or campfire, select your ingredients from the menu that pops up, and then select “Start Cooking”. You’ll then be given a preview of your cooked meal, and it will be stored automatically within your inventory. 

It’s worth noting that each time you cook a meal, it will consume one Coal Ore from your inventory or storage, so make sure to have a good stock of the resource if you plan on cooking a feast. It can be purchased with no daily limit from Kristoff’s Stall, or gathered from most Mining Nodes.

How to use Seafood Platter in Disney Dreamlight Valley

Gliding in Disney Dreamlight Valley
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What you can do with your Seafood Platter depends on the size you choose to cook. No recipe in Disney Dreamlight Valley offers any unique buffs or perks, but what you get out of each varies. 

Each dish, Seafood Platters included, will provide a different selling price or amount of energy when consumed, and each is used in different quests for different villagers. 

Seafood Platter

The regular two-star Seafood Platter unfortunately sells for next to nothing, netting you only two Star Coins for each that you sell. Even though the ingredients cost you nothing, it’s hardly the most profitable dish to churn out. The selling price was much higher prior to the 1.2 update, when the Seafood Platter would sell for 116 Star Coins.

Seafood Platter can, however, be useful in terms of energy provision. If you’re just starting out and want something easy and free to boost your ability to perform tasks around the Valley, then Seafood Platter will give at least 458 energy, which is more than enough to keep going. 

In terms of quests, Seafood Platter is used in only one. Once you’ve visited the Moana Realm and dragged Moana and Maui back to the Valley, and reached friendship level 4 with Moana, you’ll need one Seafood Platter in order to complete her level 4 friendship quest “Peacemakers”. 

Large Seafood Platter

The Large Seafood Platter can serve you better if you’re looking to make some profit, but like the smaller version, the selling price was reduced from 340 Star Coins during the 1.5 update, to just 56 Star Coins ever since. While churning these out and selling them is far from a get-rich-quick scheme, it can definitely help if you’re in a pinch. 

Also like its smaller cousin, the Large Seafood Platter is much better used as a way to fill up your energy bar. When consumed, the Large Seafood Platter will restore 1,810 energy, which is more than enough to completely fill your blue energy during early game stages, and even offer some yellow energy as well. The efficiency reduces at higher player levels, but this is a completely free to make recipe, so you can easily eat three or four without losing anything. 

The Large Seafood Platter is used in two quests, each of which requires you to cook the dish and then deliver it to a certain villager:

QuestVillager / LevelHow to complete
A Festival of FriendshipMirabel (Level 10)Deliver to Anna
A Great GatheringSimba (Level 4)Deliver to Simba

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Image of Paula Vaynshteyn
Paula Vaynshteyn
With her first experience of gaming being on an Atari ST, Paula has been gaming for her entire life. She’s 9,000 hours deep into Final Fantasy XIV, spends more time on cozy games than she would care to admit, and is also a huge bookworm. Juggling online adventuring with family life has its struggles, but she wouldn’t have it any other way.