Wind-up Themis minion in Final Fantasy XIV
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How to get the Wind-up Themis minion in Final Fantasy XIV

Utterly adorable

It’s been a while since we last visited the Pandæmonium raid storyline in Final Fantasy XIV, but with the release of patch 7.1, the epilogue for the story is finally available to play. What’s more, it comes with some worthwhile rewards, so it’s definitely worth seeking out. 

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If you think back to the Pandæmonium raids, specifically the 11th Circle, you’ll remember Themis, which is the true name of Elidibus. Don’t worry if you’re confused even now by the Convocation of the Fourteen, it’s enough to confuse even the biggest lorehound. You’ll also likely remember that when we last visited the Pandæmonium storyline, Themis acknowledged us as a friend before returning to the Aetherial Sea. 

Now it’s time to wrap up the story completely, and you’ll get your own mini Themis for doing so. To get it, you’ll need to complete a level 90 quest called “A Present from the Present”.

How to complete A Present from the Present in Final Fantasy XIV

A Present from the Present in Final Fantasy XIV
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To begin the final Pandæmonium quest, head to Old Sharlayan and talk to the Affable Researcher close to the main Aetheryte (X:11.0, Y:10.6) to pick up “A Present from the Present”. He’ll send you off to talk to Claudien at Aporia, Labyrinthos (X:8.6, Y:27.5). 

Claudien in Final Fantasy XIV
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Talking to Claudien will spark a cutscene during which you’ll be introduced to the little cutie that is the Wind-up Themis minion, and then it will be up to us to deliver it to Erichtonios inside Pandæmonium itself. 

Now, if you’re diving into this epilogue quest soon after 7.1 dropped, then it’s likely to have been a while since you entered Pandæmonium through the front door and you may have since forgotten exactly where said front door is. To get there, teleport to Anagnorisis in Elpis, then head north-east to the location shown on the map below:

The entrance to Pandæmonium in Final Fantasy XIV
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Enter Pandæmonium and head straight towards it until you find Hegemone (X:21.3, Y:20.7), and talk to her to continue the quest. After a cutscene, you can hide behind the gate to the next section of Pandæmonium as Erichthonios approaches. 

What follows is a very touching cutscene to wrap up the Pandæmonium storyline, including some confusion as to how Themis became so small, but Erichthonios will gladly accept the new companion. 

Erichthonios and mini Themis in Final Fantasy XIV
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When the cutscene is over, return to Aporia and talk to Claudien again to complete the final Pandæmonium quest and be rewarded with your very own Wind-up Themis. You’ll also be rewarded with the Where Dæmons Abide Orchestrion Roll. Neither of these items can be traded or sold on the Marketboard, so you’ll need to complete this quest if you want to have them in your collection. 

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Image of Paula Vaynshteyn
Paula Vaynshteyn
With her first experience of gaming being on an Atari ST, Paula has been gaming for her entire life. She’s 9,000 hours deep into Final Fantasy XIV, spends more time on cozy games than she would care to admit, and is also a huge bookworm. Juggling online adventuring with family life has its struggles, but she wouldn’t have it any other way.