Hello Kitty Island Adventure is filled with beloved Sanrio characters with whom to befriend and interact. Each character has their own quests that need to be completed, allowing you to earn some useful rewards that aid in progression and exploration.
Hangyodon is likely to be one of the last characters you rediscover after the unfortunate ending to your plane journey. He’s located underwater inside his Comedy Club, and his level 6 friendship quest, called “Comic Relief,” is particularly useful.
However, to complete this quest, you’ll need to locate the three pieces of a Mermaid Outfit, and in a huge expanse of water, it’s all too easy to overlook the pieces as you swim by.
How to find the Mermaid Outfit in Hello Kitty Island Adventure

There are a few things you’ll need to check off before you can even try to get the Mermaid Outfit. To help, here’s a handy checklist of everything you’ll need to have already done:
- Unlock the Resort Gate
- Unlock and craft Flippers (unlocked via meeting Keroppi)
- Unlock and craft Snorkel (unlocked via Kuromi’s level 6 quest)
- Unlock and level Hangyodon to level 6
Where to find the Mermaid Outfit in Hello Kitty Island Adventure
The Mermaid Outfit is split into three pieces, spread out over a fairly large area. Here’s how to find each piece, along with a map showing the location of each item.
Scale Mermaid Tail

The most important part of any mermaid is obviously the tail, and this is the easiest part of the Mermaid Outfit to find. It’s located directly behind the Mermaidifier, on the underwater cliff face. If you’re struggling, just keep adjusting your depth in the water until you see a ‘!’ appear on the screen.
Scale Mermaid Armor

To find the Mermaid Armor, head back to the Comedy Club, where you can find Hangyodon, and then travel to the southwest. It’s easiest if you stick to the paved path to get there, and you’ll find the Mermaid Armor hovering in the middle of this path before you reach the circular area at the end.
Scale Mermaid Tiara

The crowning glory of the Mermaid Outfit is the Tiara, and you’re best off hunting for this after you’ve picked up the Mermaid Armor. It’s pretty much directly west from there, in the patch of underwater shrubbery nearby. Again, a ‘!’ will appear once you get close enough to the item, alerting you to its presence even if you can’t see it.
Once you’ve got all three pieces, put them on via the clothing section of your inventory and then head back to Hangyodon at the Comedy Club to show off your outfit and continue the quest.
How to use the Mermaid Outfit in Hello Kitty Island Adventure

The Mermaid Outfit is a massively useful clothing option, and you might just find that you’ll end up keeping it on permanently if you spend a lot of time in the water.
First of all, the Mermaid Outfit slightly increases your swimming speed, which is definitely a bonus. However, the biggest perk of the Mermaid Outfit comes from the massive increase in Stamina when diving. Wearing the Mermaid Outfit, you can swim for a very long time without having to come up for air (or getting a black screen when you run out of stamina).
The set also has the added benefit of a transformation between the land and the water. On land, you’ll be wearing a regular pair of pants, but this will automatically turn into a tail when you enter the water.
Eventually, you’ll get the option to put your Mermaid Outfit into the Mermaidifier itself, allowing you to instantly become a mermaid when entering any water, regardless of whether you have the outfit equipped or not. This won’t happen for a while, though, so it’s probably best to keep the outfit on in the meantime.
Getting the Mermaid Outfit will also unlock Tuxedosam’s level 5 friendship quest, “Tuxedosam’s Dye Upgrade,” which will allow you to dye not only the Mermaid Outfit but all of the other clothing items available in Island Adventure as well.
Published: Feb 1, 2025 3:46 PM UTC