The Mehwapyarra mount in Final Fantasy XIV
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How to get the Mehwapyarra mount in FFXIV Dawntrail

Bring one hell of a chew stick

Of all the mounts in Final Fantasy XIV, there are a few that command as the cutest of the bunch. One of the new mounts added in Dawntrail definitely falls into this category, especially if you’re a fan of bizarrely oversized rodents. 

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I’ll admit that’s quite the niche, but apparently, it’s a larger contingency of players than anyone would have likely expected. The Mehwapyarra mount is a strangely large Capybara, capable of transporting around even the heaviest of FFXIV’s races with ease. 

How to get the Mehwapyarra mount in Final Fantasy XIV

The Serpentlord Seethes FATE in Final Fantasy XIV
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Before you can even think about getting the Mehwapyarra, I would strongly recommend unlocking the ability to fly in Shaaloani by attuning with all of the Aether Currents in the area. While this isn’t strictly necessary, as long as you have a friend who doesn’t mind transporting you, it’s definitely useful. 

Then, you might need to do a little FATE farming. The Mehwapyarra mount is purchased using drops from one of Dawntrail’s two special FATEs, The Serpentlord Seethes. To spawn this FATE, you’ll need to complete a total of four other FATEs in succession, and even then, The Serpentlord Seethes isn’t guaranteed to show up. On the plus side, this is a good opportunity to work on your Shared FATEs in Shaaloani

Once The Serpentlord Seethes spawns, you’ll need to put some work in. This is an incredibly difficult fight to grasp, filled with mechanics designed to keep you moving. Having completed the FATE on both physical and magical Jobs, I’d certainly recommend the former in order to maximise your ability to get those hits in while avoiding what is certain death if you get stuck in one of Ttokrrone’s massive AOEs.

Depending on your level of participation, you’ll receive between two and six Ttokrrone Scales once the Special FATE is completed. 

Where to spend Ttokrrone Scales in Final Fantasy XIV

Uah'shepya in Final Fantasy XIV
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You’ll need to complete The Serpentlord Seethes at least twice, or more if you don’t quite manage to get a gold medal in any of your runs, because you need 12 Ttokrrone Scales in total to get the Mehwapyarra mount. 

Once you’ve got all 12, head to Solution Nine and talk to Uah’shepya in the Nexus Arcade (X:8.7, Y13.5). Under the “Sublime Curiosities” option, you’ll find the Mehwapyarra mount. You’ll also find the Mica Suit, which is purchased using Mica Magicogs.

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Image of Paula Vaynshteyn
Paula Vaynshteyn
With her first experience of gaming being on an Atari ST, Paula has been gaming for her entire life. She’s 9,000 hours deep into Final Fantasy XIV, spends more time on cozy games than she would care to admit, and is also a huge bookworm. Juggling online adventuring with family life has its struggles, but she wouldn’t have it any other way.