Battahl Border Entry Permit

How to get the Beastren Battahl Border Entry Permit in Dragon’s Dogma 2

A permit is needed to enter the Beastren territory

If you visit the Border Checkpoint Rest Town in Dragon’s Dogma 2, you’ll notice you can’t simply walk into the Beastren territory of Battahl. In fact, you need a special Beastren Battahl Border Entry Permit to pass through the checkpoint gate, or else the NPC won’t even let you in. Here is how to get the Beastren Battahl Border Entry Permit item, and complete the Nation of the Lambent Flame quest in Dragon’s Dogma 2.

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Complete the quest Feast of Deception

Complete the quest Feast of Deception

To get the Beastren Battahl Border Entry Permity in Dragon’s Dogma 2, you need to complete the Feast of Deception quest for Brant in Vernworth. This requires you to complete all the other quests Brant gives you including attending the masquerade, finding the false Sovran, breaking the Magistrate out of Gaol, and more.

Once those quests are done, you will receive the Feast of Deception quest which has you attend a coronation for the false Sovran while wearing your Courtly Tunic and Courtly Breeches. This will trigger a cutscene in which you and your Pawn are unable to enter the coronation, and you must report back to Brant.

Brant informs you he needs a night to think about it and come up with a game plan moving forward. Simply rest for a night and then meet Brant at the normal place at the tavern at night and he will have said plan. Brant says you need to enter the Beasatren territory of Battahl, which requires the Border Entry Permit. He purchased one for you from a merchant and hands it over upon completion of the Feast of Deception quest, which then starts a new quest: Nation of the Lambent Flame.

How to get to the Battahl Beastren territory

How to complete the Nation of the Lambent Flame

Once you finish the Feast of Deception quest, you’ll get a Beastren Battahl Border Entry Permit, and start the Nation of the Lambent Flame quest. To complete the Nation of the Lambent Flame quest, you’ll have to use a disguise to trick the border guard into letting you into the nation of Battahl with your permit. Then you have to make a long trek to the city of Bakbattahl where you will meet a major character in the nation of Battahl.

With the Beastren Border Entry Permit in hand, it’s time to head to the Border Checkpoint Rest Town. The easiest way to get there is via Oxcart located at the West Vernworth Oxcart Station in Vernworth. This Oxcart will take you all the way to the border town. You might encounter some sort of attack on the Oxcart on the way; I had to fight two Ogre’s. But with the help of all the other Oxcart riders, it should be an easy task.

How to get to the Battahl Beastren territory

Once you get to the Border Checkpoint Rest Town, the NPC at the gate will indicate that your permit is for a Beastran, and you are a Human, so he knows it’s not your permit. This is pretty easy to fix. Head down to Ibrahim’s Scrap Store in the Border Checkpoint Rest Town. He sells a Beastran Mask for 8,700 G. Purchase this bask and equip it. The mask is enough to deceive the gate guard and gain entry into Battahl!

Proceed down the winding canyonā€”you’ll see a Griffin flying overheadā€”and towards the location indicated on your map. You’ll eventually encounter this Griffin, but after a short period, it will fly away. However, as you proceed down the canyon you will encounter several groups of Goblins, wolves, and potentially even a Golem.

Soon after you will reach a small town on the outskirts of the capital city of Bakbattahl. Here you will find an NPC named Manella who shares some information with you and then directs you toward the tavern. Here she tells you that people in Bakbattahl are not too fond of Pawns. Accept her quest and she will give you the Battahl Residence Permit and complete the Nation of the Lambent Flame quest.

Nation of the Lambent Flame quest but – permit not working

There are a couple of issues at play that can make this quest not work properly. First and foremost, if the guard at the checkpoint border town isn’t letting you pass, verify that you have the Border Entry Permit in hand as well as the Beastran Mask actually equipped. You need to be disguised as a Beastran to have the guard let you through.

Also, some players are reporting that Manella is not at the tavern in the Nation of the Lambent Flame quest when they reach the outskirts of the capital. It’s possible that something killed Manella before you got there, or if you got into a fight nearby they may have aggroed onto her, like a Golem or even the Griffin. If this is the case, visit the Battahl Morgue and use a Wakestone to review Manella so you can complete the quest.

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Image of Steven Mills
Steven Mills
Staff Writer
Staff Writer - Steven has been writing in some capacity for over a decade now. He has a passion for story focused RPG's like the Final Fantasy franchise and ARPG's like Diablo and Path of Exile. But really, he's willing to try anything.