Mantine offers many advantages on the battlefield due to its dynamic type as a Water and Flying Type. To make things even better, trainers can get a Shiny Mantine in Pokémon Go to increase its rarity. This feat is no easy task, but we’re here to help you narrow down the search.
Where to find Shiny Mantine in Pokémon Go
You can get a Shiny Mantine out in the wilds during the Sizeable Surprises Pokémon Go event. Mantines appear more frequently, so you can continuously catch them to increase your chances. Unlike the Shiny Wimpod and Shiny Kartana, this Pokémon is not associated with any Raid or Field Research tasks, meaning it all relies on luck.

Use Lure Modules and Incense to attract more Pokémon near you, which may result in the Shiny Mantine’s appearance. Thanks to the critter’s type, it also helps if you have a Rainy or Windy Weather Boost.
Other than catching a Shiny Mantine in Pokémon Go, it is possible to evolve a Shiny Mantyke for it. Give the creature 50 Mantyke Candies to evolve it to a Shiny Mantine. This technique still requires a bit of luck, but it is an option, nonetheless.
I suggest catching as many Mantyke and Mantines as possible before the Sizeable Surprises event concludes on April 9 at 8 p.m. local time. Other Shiny variants, such as Diglett, Wailmer, Joltik, and Cutiefly, are also available during this time. If you happen to miss the event, more Pokémon are expected to come for the upcoming Bug Out event on April 12 at 10 a.m. local time.
Published: Apr 9, 2024 6:05 PM UTC